Is "repealing the 19th" extreme or is Women having voting rights the "extreme" position historically speaking?
No-one she insulted has instagram though
No doubt the Judge was objecting to the size of the butt plug being too small rather than the butt fucking itself.
I'm sorry but there's no evidence that American's would resist this in anyway because they'd stratify it and put a friendly face on it.
People aren't going to immediately gun down a group of nurses, which is who would be doing this. But even so there's obviously a risk factor to putting people in camps, they'd just start by doing it with the low risk ones and normalising it before grabbing small isolated amounts of people from higher risk groups.
And even if you were an honest to god militia member living in a bunker, they'll just grab you when you go to the store. You don't travel with your bunker and all your guns.
And even for the 1 in a million dudes who literally don't leave their bunker. Who cares about them, they're already in jail..
A word so dangerous the woman repeats it multiple times.
Maybe you just got him at a bad time, Sargon has been one of the more effective "remoralisers" among political commentators. He's a stalwart amongst being proud of what you are, not running, fighting to preserve what's great about English culture as well as encouraging people to have Children. He has 4 and frequently talks about how fulfilling his family life is.
He actually has a really good answer to your question.
I can't recall the exact name but in the UK there's a unit of MI5 I believe who goes after Parents and propagandises them in the aftermarth and tries to "smooth community relations" I assume they implicitly threaten them too. No doubt there's something similar in the US.
I think using the executive to bully congress for 4 years is going to be more effective in the long run then trying to do the reverse.
I wonder what their contracts state re what opinions they are allowed to have.
Cardi B was legit hilarious when her teleprompter broke down, it was clear she didn't give a fuck
I'm wondering why these celebrities don't take the money, endorse kamala and take the popularity boost from being the first one to say it's all bullshit.
stupid law but fuck johnny somali
Australia has an interesting cultural psyche, our history is short but quite unstable. Essentially we've been barely above the line for ceasing to function as a country, simultaneously isolated but under imminent perceived threat which has created this ruthlessly authoritarian streak. Always remember we were a convict colony, and also a nation of jailers. There's an alternate history that in the 1920's and 30's we became a vassal state of Japan and theoretically would have found ourselves on the axis side in WW2.
I'm not on enough to know people by usernames yet but I've only been banned for 1 day by Dom and next time I logged on it had already expired. Looking back it was something that he'd misinterpreted IMO but big meh.
Why do people spend so much time and energy bitching about the only mod we have?
I suspect OP isn't telling the whole store. There's no way he'd be normal before having that reaction out of the blue.
I don't know if it's over Trump but that's just tragic all round.
Honestly court martialing an incompetent chairman of the joint chiefs would probably be the biggest boost in morale in decades.
This is definitely better than last time where a lot of campaign promises got scrubbed on election night.
Doing something is great. But it's also important to try and think ahead. As an example term limits aren't inherently good or bad. They just create different problems.
It's obviously good to have new politicians in, but then you just move the deep state to those around the politicians. If you don't know where the toilet is on your first day, the guy that tells you is also going to naturally tell you "how things are done around here"
We had something kind of similar in Australia, a few elections ago we had 5 or 6 independent politicians get elected at once "Teals" to go with a couple of independents that were already in there.
Pound for pound this group is consistently one of the dumbest group of people and consistently toe the globalist agenda. It's clear when they speak they had no understand of anything, and are merely parroting whatever "expert" has told them. Being in the swamp turns you into the swamp. And swapping parts out faster and faster just means that they have to rely on other people more and more.
I'm not against term limits per se, but they just swap one set of problems for another set. Remember todays problems were yesterdays solutions.
Man all that work into getting the black votes really paid off. 16%.
I thought the white women would be lower due to the brides of the state effect. It's really useless without a married/unmarried split.
I like the copy of a copy of a copy idea of a matriachy.
Are these just betting markets? because if so isn't just a few large bets placed on kamala enough to do this? the bookie odds are just a reflection of where the money is nothing more.
What your experiencing is the demoralisation that comes with a never ending cultural stream. The speed of events and propaganda has increased so much that your losing the ability to process it and your sense of time. Normally you use significant events as markers of time. But there's been so many "significant" events that are just moved on it's becoming a blur. Literally. Your losing large chunks of your life.
I don't know if it's intentional, but think of any scene in a tv show or movie where they capture and brainwash someone. They get the clockwork orange scene of having your eyes forced to watch and a dizzying array of images and pictures flashed faster than the victim can process.
That's what modern life is. I believe it's partially intentional because if you lose your sense of time you lose your sense of importance and grounding, and can't form attachments to normality. Thus accept anything that's the "new normal"
They also did the same to infants, let them die rather than travel interstate to use a heart machine.
They used AI to make the video complaining about AI....
Funniest part to me was the "perfect life" they had before, a drugged out zombified hunger games woman swaying between 2 dudes.
The excuse that it was a "test run" was obviously bullshit, but the idea that a local news station for the exact vote totals 10 days in advance is also a bit of stretch.
I think the simplest explanation is that it was someone posting it and hitting upload as a protest or fuck you. I'm assuming they got fired quietly.
I was listening to Jimmy Dore on Tucker recently, he's essentially a left wing Alex Jones.
So it was Paul dancing around trying not to get knocked out untill he won by decision?
I saw somewhere that Tyson got paid $90 grand per punch, don't know if the maths is accurate but the sentiment is.