No need to rely on secondhand stories. Crowder has the footage.
Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi won't kill Darth Vader despite the evil he's done because he can sense the good in him. Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi is seconds away from killing someone who's done nothing wrong because of the potential evil he could do if he turned to the dark side.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
I like when they're putting up posters of Appa.
Sokka: I guess Toph should come with me.
Toph: What? Just because I'm blind I can't put up posters?!
Toph pastes the poster to the wall, with the blank side showing
Toph: It's upside down, isn't it?
I found a similiar poll conducted by Gallup in 2005. Teacher was their top choice at 11%. However, there are some unrealistic glamorous jobs on the list too like working in a sports field or being a fashion designer.
Who are these black creators who get to decide what a person can or cannot post on Tiktok? Sounds to me like this person and some of her friends made up a bunch of rules they want everyone to follow, and now they're mad because they have no power to enforce them.
About Mormons in video game history, I recall a funny exchange from The Masters of DOOM.
John Romero: "So, you're a Mormon?"
Sandy Petersen: "Yes."
Romero: "Well, at least you're like not a Mormon that keeps pumping out tons of kids and stuff."
Petersen: "Actually, I've got five kids."
Romero: "Oh, okay, but it's not like ten or anything. But you know five's a lot, but, um, at least you're not a really hard-core card-carrying Mormon."
Petersen: "Oh, I've got my Mormon card right here!"
Romero: "Well, at least you don't wear those garments and stuff, right?"
Petersen: "Got my garments on right here!"
Romero: "Okay, okay, I'm going to shut up."
Petersen: "Look, don't worry. I have no problem with the demons in the game. They're just cartoons. And anyway, they're the bad guys."
That last one seems criminal. I'm not a lawyer, of course, so I may be mistaken. Based on what I've read, testosterone is a controlled substance. If that's the case, authorities can press charges against this person and others in her network for distributing the pills without proper authorization. Since they're distributing the hormones "no questions asked", doing a sting on them shouldn't be too hard.
Wrong. If abortion is illegal, men are forced to be fathers just as women are forced to be mothers. This is nothing new - the only difference is the decision of whether they'll be a father is no longer a woman's choice.