redpillschool 8 points ago +8 / -0

In 1994, Clarke wrote a letter to the Harvard Crimson in her capacity as the president of the Black Students Association to explain her views on race science.

“Please use the following theories and observations to assist you in your search for truth regarding the genetic differences between Blacks and whites.

One: Dr. Richard King reveals that at the core of the human brain is the ‘locus coeruleus,’ which is a structure that is Black, because it contains large amounts of neuro-melanin which is essential for its operation.

Two: Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites.

Three: Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin–that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.

Four: Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcified or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.

Five: Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.”


redpillschool 30 points ago +30 / -0

Undoubtedly she will be able to punch out other characters 3 times her weight.

Cause you know men and women are the same!

redpillschool 7 points ago +7 / -0


Reddit’s censorship was ideological in nature, not a fair and balanced application of rules, we see this misapplication of justice across many different subreddits and communities.

Reddit’s userbase is waking up to it. They notice the problems and inconsistencies. They notice the stark lack of transparency of the admin. They notice how poorly conceived the excuses are. It’s impossible to ignore.

Reddit can’t help but sound duplicitous in their rare communications on the announcements sub. Each announcement is followed by hundreds of comments asking why the inconsistencies in their policy exist. Most recently, reddit made another announcement, enabling hatespeech as long as it was against whites. We have to assume this was created by a child with no understanding of the world around him:

While the rule on hate protects such groups, it does not protect all groups or all forms of identity. For example, the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority or who promote such attacks of hate. –Now Edited Source

This language was quickly changed but is documented here.

Between the obvious excuses made to justify ideological censorship, the impossible rules for communities, the inconsistent application of said rules, and the lack of communication from Reddit’s admin, it is very, very clear that this is not ineptitude. This is bad faith by definition. This is an example of a group that absolutely hates their users and wishes they would leave.

Reddit is dying, and Reddit’s admin are killing it to serve an ideological master that is antithetical to free speech and incompatible with success.

My public challenge to prove I’m 100% right:

Reddit, you have an opportunity to publicly prove me wrong. First, apologize to our members for denying male victims. Second, publicly state exactly the terms of conditions we broke, with examples of offending material, and outline exactly what changes would need to be made to remove the quarantine.

Then, follow through and stay true to your word.

You have an opportunity to show good faith. Silence will mean I’m right.