Not just racist but of misandrist genocidal origins too. Women who votes have bloods of those who were killed by the suffragettes.
Sorry women, this is your problem. What, you want men to fix this for you? How about no and go fuck yourselves? You voted for this shit.
Giving women the right to vote while not being conscripted to the Draft when the nation calls for their service is a privilege.
Women should be forced into the Draft as men does.
Okay wuss, there's the door, don't worry there's a pacifier on your way out. You sound like that Action Points with "kill your enemies with kindness" shit. If you please, don't just hit yourself on your way out.
"Muh if you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back."
Don't be a fucking wuss. If you cannot live in the darkness, you might as well just stay where the lights are on. Let the big boys handle this.
You know what must be done to those who conspires with the enemies of the state, right?
They're so oppressed that they're buying a US$28m Rolls-Royce.
This is fascism.
Realism strikes again.
Ah, Robin DiAngelo, the Marxist that spread anti-white rhetoric in colleges and universities all across the Western world.
If blacks still thinks that it's the "racism" that holds them back, then they are not worthy to ascend into society. Those Filipino soldiers who fought during WW2 and the Korean War did get bread crumbs, but they're actually proud of it. Never screamed racism, never cried racism. They did what they could do and proud of their contributions to the cause.
If these "minorities" in the West really want to get up in the ladder, by all means, but if the mere presence of "racism" holds them, I just laugh at them. They are not even worth cleaning the pair of sandals that I'm wearing.
Oh man, Philippine history was all about being invaded, occupied, liberated and repeat. It's only the time of the Spanish colonial rule that our country had some sense of civilization because of what the conquistadors brought from Acapulco to Manila. Our language itself is a mish-mash of Malay, Indon, Spanish, some Mandarin, American English and some Japanese.
Talking from a perspective of a Filipino, whose history is about being occupied from the Majapahit Empire, to the Spaniards, the Americans after the Spanish-American War and under Imperial Japan during World War 2, I feel your frustration.
It's a gaslight. When the left talks about gatekeeping, what they really meant is "we know we don't have control over it, but we'll do whatever it takes to completely subvert it."
In short, they loathe gatekeeping because they're not the ones who have the keys to the inside and those who are guarding it.
We lost Monkey Punch a few years ago, and now Miura Kentaro died in one of the worst ways possible. Rest in peace, you glorious bastard. Say hi to Monkey Punch for us.
Gee Joe, you seem to be late on the party for like what, 5 decades already?
Excuse me, Ms. Lin, but where do you think the LOTR's lore were based from? Stop being a sissy.
Excuse me, WHO?!
Canada's war against Christianity makes those Muslims in the Middle East blush.
Listening to a Romanian carrier pigeon who is the pet of a John Locke-obsessed Brit
Sod off.
Wanna know what's bonkers Prince Harry? Your god-forsaken country. Fuck off back to the isles, you fucking twit.
We need more Christian fighters in our world. We do.
Just like their newest console, isn't it?
Truth is a hate crime.
Marxism is a parasitic condition and the permanent cure is lead to the head.