lolfail9001 1 point ago +3 / -2

and are more likely to push for mass scale wars in other countries, than wars against our enemies at home.

Someone who believes that pushing wars against domestic enemies at home is a valid policy never lived in country with such policy. And does not realise that after domestic "enemies" are squashed, it's the turn to push for mass scale war in another country. Case in point: Russia, actually.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

Attack the source instead of adressing the message.

You can find literally any message you want on teh internets (or manufacture it if need be). In this case, source is part of the message.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, you guys only caught that now?

I knew Cato was cucked when they kicked the Russian boomer they had employed after he dared to question Jan 6th events.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone should tell his lawyers that in Russia, you will get called up even if you are literally incapacitated as long as some dude's pen lands on your name.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +4 / -2

The reactions of the leaders of the Taliban and Kazakhstan are how I form my opinions as well.

Yeah, but when Taliban and Chinese Puppet look saner than KiA2 users, you start to have a suspicion.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

The past- probably before you were born if that's your opinion.

Maybe in another place. Down here it was reality for longer than US existed in various incarnations. Granted, down here they have long learned to make sure local boots are not local born exactly to prevent good apples from doing anything useful.

lolfail9001 3 points ago +3 / -0

They used to be the other way around.

When? Even for all soviet propaganda of good guys from militia (yeah, the irony of Soviet Union calling their law enforcement boots 'militia') I got to read in my childhood, the cold harsh truth here is that "good cops" are inherent minority.

More importantly, it used to be the case that a community was policed by someone from that community.

As was the case here. A cop being local to community does not make him any more caring about said community.

lolfail9001 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean, I hate mainstream wiki politics as much as the next guy, but at least start with the part where they remove the source for this claim.

lolfail9001 0 points ago +1 / -1

How exactly would this benefit them?

Typical Russians don't act in self-benefit, they act in dragging everyone else down. Trust me, I am very familiar with this routine having grown up in it.

Empty bragging, I assume.

Nope, a very real case when that came to deal with protests in Far East when Putin decided it was time to change the local duke for someone from his security.

My soldiers are SO obedient, they'd shoot their own mother if I gave them the order.

No, he was talking about himself above all, and outright warning (threatening if you wish) his wife not to appear on said protests because that would be the consequence. He could get an order to shoot and he would shoot, even if above the head.

And this would not explain the poor morale that is frequently asserted about Russians right now.

Does it need to? If anything, there's a myriad reasons for poor morale for Russian troops self-evident to anyone who bothered to follow this war.

lolfail9001 -3 points ago +1 / -4

But I do know that it makes no military sense or any sense to try to put an IED into some girl's piano

What sense do you seek from average Russian soldier? Average Russian soldier would shoot their own wife if that was an order (and yes, I heard that from said average Russian officer). Booby trapping a piano for lulz? That's just being creative. And that's given that I personally don't believe that story all that much.

And neither does the constant shelling of Donetsk

Yeah, Donetsk so constantly shelled it has roads more intact than any unshelled city in Russia, let alone houses (before the war, that is).

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't have to drink yourselves to death, tho

I probably won't, for I had (unintentionally) sent my father on the highway to the underworld by buying him vodka on New Year's Eve.

Does not affect the greater picture.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fathers should supply resources to raise children with.

I am talking to Imppy, not a tradcuck.

Also, emphasis "to the wife" (or, in Russian case, "to the mother/sister" is another popular case), don't confuse that with "to raise children with".

The families that do have multiple kids in Russia generally don't have father provide any resources to raise them with, state welfare does.

lolfail9001 1 point ago +1 / -0

The quicker they put the Ukrainian regime to the sword

Could have just not invaded, you know. The truth most Russians don't like is that globohomo gives no fucks about them.

the fewer people will die

Given Russia's express intent, I don't know about people, but men definitely stand to die in even greater amounts should Russia win. I repeat, very man-hating of you.

that was nearly wholly caused, backed and escalated by women in power.

I won't speak about escalation, but primary cause of this is Russia, have been since 2014. Putin's a female now?

lolfail9001 10 points ago +11 / -1

Tsk tsk, I get if you dislike Ukraine, but cheering for Russia given that our males exist to provide money to the wife and then drink themselves to death... very man-hating of you.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, why did this guy (and I was aware of his existence ever since his anti-maidan days) end up in Spain, anyway.

You'd think he would be far better off in Russia... Oh, right.

lolfail9001 2 points ago +2 / -0

The first step to ZOG-independence is starting your own parallel economy.

The only thing autarkies are good for are shitty overpriced products. Spoken from experience living with Soviet trash.

and no empire that has ever invaded Russia has survived.

I see they don't talk about Crimean war in your textbooks.

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