'Willing to bet he'd change the ending too so she doesn't die.'
For me, the story ends with KOD, I don't care about Sanderson's writings, and her death was not decided by Jordan (!), it was Sanderson's idea, so Egwene lives on in my head.
By the way, the most hated characters in every poll I saw in the last 25+ years were Faile, Egwene, and Gawyn...
From Chapter One: 'Gray eyes and the reddish tinge to his hair came from his mother' (Rand's pov - no different skin colour!)
'Rand did look a great deal like the Aielmen, with his height and gray blue eyes and reddish hair' (Eg's pov (TSR) - no different skin colour!)
(Also from TSR: 'the children showed it on their too-pale faces')
No black skin, no tilted eyes etc.
" "That's just foolishness, Matrim Cauthon," Egwene cut in angrily. "Nynaeve says ..." She broke off, her cheeks turning pink." [PINK!!!] "and the look she gave Thom Merrilin was not as friendly as it had been. "It is not right to make ... It isn't ..." Her face went redder, and she fell silent."
'[Egwene's] face went as white as snow'
'Egwene stared back at him, a faint blush rising in her cheeks.'
'For some reason, Elisa's [Egwene's sister] face turned bright red. Very bright red.'
'Perrin blushed very red'
'Perrin still did not look up, but his cheeks turned red'
'They smiled at him [Perrin], and he cleared his throat hoarsely. He was afraid to look around; his face was as red as a beet'
"You wool-headed witlings!" the Wisdom snapped. She bristled from head to foot; her eyes glittered, and bright spots of red burned on her cheeks.
And I will not list them all, but Jordan described the main cast as white people: white, snow white, pink, sligthly red, red, bright red, very bright red, very red, flushed heavily, scarlet, crimson, two sunsets, purple, green, pale, beyond pale, tanned (face and hands), white knuckles, bright spots of color, almost dark (from anger), plus "shoulder was going to be black and blue shortly", "The purple splotches faded to brown, and the brown and yellow paled, some disappearing altogether."
"once the show cast was announced"
That announcement killed my interest in the show forever. They don't care about even being faithful to such a basic thing as skin colour then I don't care about the show, because they will change everything.
I predict that long time ago on Dragonmount: somebody will claim that he's the bigger fan ever, then he will destroy the Rnadland methodically.
It's a good thing that I (and you) did not watched even a second from this show.
One more thing: during S1 we heard about constantly that TEOTW is horrible, but S1 is fantastic. During S2 we heard about constantly that TEOTW, TGH, and TDR are horrible, boring, bad, and S1 was also horrible, but S2 is fantastic...
I cannot wait for S3 (hopefully that will be the last season of this abomination) being released in 2025: the first four books are horrible, S1 and S2 are horrible, but S3 is fantastic.
If you peek into any show praising forums or subs, you will see messages by bots using the same wording, the same praise. And of course these bots say they are massive fans since 1990, and the 'adaptation' is much better than the books. Weird way to advertise a television show.
But there are (just a handful) sane people among them who sees clearly that even reddit does not care about this 'adaptation'.
'it would be just another “diverse fantasy”'
I was banned from every WOT forum (and many televison forums) for 'hate speech' when I presented a list about the skin colours of the characters based on almost a hundred quotes from the books plus posting Robert Jordan's list about Audrey Hepburn as Egwene etc.
But one of the 'actresses' can say 'when I went to the audition, I saw white people everywhere'. But she's not racist, not at all. I'm the racist quoting Robert Jordan's own words and thoughts.
He blames Covid, Amazon (from advertising through lack of money til number of episodes), Covid, actors (availability...), Covid, Marvel (!), Covid, the strike, Covid, etc.
(Blaming Marvel movies!!!)
Instead of being honest for a few seconds:
Yes, I'm the showrunner, I despise the books, despise the fans, and I want to destroy Robert Jordan's RANDland.
Jordan depicted the (main) characters (90-95+% as white (and heterosexual)) in the books, and he wrote a list too (a few examples):
Egwene: Audrey Hepburn at age 18
Nynaeve: a young Jacqueline Bisset
Min: Isabella Rossellini
Lan: Liam Neeson in one of his craggier roles
Siuan (after stilling): Renee Zellweger (before appearance change)
Padan Fain: Alan Rickman
Perrin: a young Val Kilmer [never mind his physique]
or this information is interesting too:
Q: How big are the cities in The Wheel of Time?
Robert Jordan: Tar Valon has 500,000 people and cities like Caemlyn and Tear are around 300,000 or so. I've envisioned a seventeenth century society and you've got to remember that for those times 300,000 would be huge. Some Asian cities of that period had populations near one million but nothing in Europe was even close.
So, according to him, the whole story takes place in 'Europe'...
Just an example: he threatened fans with things like this one: (not an exact quote) 'More criticism means I will turn more heterosexual characters into homosexual characters!'
Does a sane human being say things like this one? I don't think so.