OP'ERATE, verb intransitive [Latin operor; Heb. signifies to be strong, to prevail.] - "to act; to exert power or strength". That represents ONEs resistance as form to the velocity of flow aka to prevail as form within flow aka self sustenance.
"to busy oneself" represents the parasite inversion tempting us to ignore responsibility to needs (defined by flow) in exchange for the wants to busy ourselves. Form does not need to keep itself busy: flow moves form from beginning towards end; hence the need for adaptation.
You’re only supposed to have values
ALL value is predefined; the ONEs within have the free will of choice to evaluate it temporarily. Evaluation represents the highest value in existence. To corrupt it; others suggest substitute values (money); which when consented to, ignores evaluation by free will of choice.
right or wrong
Aka reason...a conflict based on consenting to believe the suggestion of others. How about instead using implication (if/then)...no conflict; just adaptation.
STATE, noun [Latin; to stand, to be fixed.]
The only thing that cannot change within the constant change of motion are the rules that define how motion operates. This is once again where comprehension is needed towards being temporary form within ongoing flow; which then inspires to question how flow operates; which finally leads towards understanding the laws of nature; as defined by flow upon form.
Which implies causing a momentum; hence flow causing form aka velocity causing resistance.
"across, beyond, through" were suggested later to promote the inversion (creation). Transmutation implies "out of base" aka ALL; while creation implies out of nothing. Change implies from one state into another aka from flow to form; ongoing potentiality to temporary potential.
Form represents a response to flow; momentum represents a response to motion; resistance represents a response to velocity; potential represents a response to potentiality; action represents a response to information; flow/form represent a response to energy; energies response to itself is self sustenance through flow (loss) and form (recharge).
Information aka the source of all action...energy. ALL information (potentiality) allows the ONEs (potential) within to transmute out of; hence each ONE potential representing a growth potential (seed) of ALL potentiality.
Status quo of existence as form within flow...resist to not be flushed away aka self sustenance. "back and again" refer to response of temporary form to ongoing flow.
VOL'UNTARILY, adverb [from voluntary.] - "spontaneously; of one's own will; without being moved, influenced or impelled by others".
That is part of the suggested "out of nothing" inversion; where they deceive us to ignore that will equals choice (free will); equals balance (form within flow); equals momentum within motion (resistance to velocity).
Free will represents a responsibility to choose (need or want) for the sustenance of life (by adaptation as form to flow); not a spontaneous impulse by ONE; but a collective responsibility through ALL.
"with; together" implies comprehension out of source perception; which represents the input "before; in front of" for the processed comprehension, and "grasp" implies comprehension representing ONEs potential to ALL potentiality perceived.
Implies both form/flow as well as choice of adherence/ignorance. What's missing is comprehension of flow moving form forward; which implies that "backwards" represent resistance to (for the sustenance of form within flow); not actually going backwards.
OF'FER, verb transitive [Latin offero; ob and fero, to bring.] - "to bring to or before; hence, to present for acceptance or rejection". Flow offers ALL to form; but ONEs rejection (ignorance) does not change the offer; it corrupts the receiver.
U'TILIZE, verb transitive - "to gain; to acquire". Useful implies useless...does nature offer useless information to our perception or do we lack comprehension about how to use it?
What ONE (potential) gains within ALL (potentiality) is the choice to participate within growth/loss of temporary potential within ongoing potentiality. A once in a lifetime choice...
CHOICE, noun - http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/choice
The act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating from two or more things that which is preferred; or the determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another; election.
The power of choosing; option.
Notice how they corrupt comprehension of flow by suggesting choice being voluntarily instead of in response to, and that there are more than two choice; when form within flow can only choose between need and want?
It gets wilder...
Where there is force, there can be no choice
They suggest this quote to directly contradict that motion causes momentum; which represents balance within motion aka form within flow. Choice is defined by flow causing form.
And there's another telling choice of quote they suggest:
"Ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my moth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. Acts 15:7."
enjoy; taste
Your example was directly inverted towards choice of temptation (wants) over chocie of adaptation (needs). The few acting as merchants of temptations makes this akin to a sales pitch for self destruction by choice based consent.
A repeated offer (as in not build upon) tempts one into ignoring inspiration for information. It is that ignorance that causes one to ignore coexistence of opposites (reality) for conflict (fiction).
Uphold form within flow aka balance by adaptation; which requires choice of action.
Able implies enabled by (potentiality); have tempts towards wanting to own; instead of utilizing for self sustenance. Form/flow represents loss/growth of potentiality/potential; which is why form needs to struggle within flow to not loose it too quick.
DISTRACTION, noun [Latin] - "the act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation" aka the pull of flow tempting form to choose to ignore self sustenance as form to flow. That choice of ignorance is what causes the parasitic exploitation by those who use suggestion of temptation to keep us distracted from adherence to self sustenance (need) through temptations (want).
Wants tempt us away from needs.
As pointed out before...opposition doesn't equal against; but coexistence within flow; which allows the balance of form in-between. Note; knowledge; perception refers to ALL potentiality communicating itself as flow to the potential of form.
CONNOTE, verb transitive [Latin, to mark. See Note.] - "to make known together; to imply; to denote or designate; to include". See how they once again took anything related to coexistence within motion out of the description; while slapping a suggested conflict (against) onto it?
Separation of potentiality (flow) distinguishes potential (form). As form we perceive those distinguished differences as moving inspiration; out of which we build our comprehension (potential). Enough comprehension build by adaptation to inspiration allows self discernment aka distinguishing ONEself within the separated ALL.
This is where comprehension is needed...understanding being ONE (form) within ALL (flow) represents gaining self discernment; which then allows further comprehension of ALL (flow/form) being ONE in energy.
So we have individual ONE within ALL; the collective of individual ONEs within ALL, and the ONE (energy) that is ALL (flow/form). The ONEness of ALL aka a singular containing the self segregated plural aka the potential of ONE (form) within the potentiality of ALL (flow).
Your definitions was already corrupted to hide the connotation to motion. TEMPTA'TION, noun - "the act of tempting; solicitation of the passions; trial". It is the pull of flow that represents the temptation to the form within to ignore the need to struggle for self sustenance, and form representing a response to flow makes free will of choice over action a responsibility over ONEself within ALL aka a trial; a struggle; a balance act.
Flow defines direction (beginning towards end) for the form within; so to turn represents to ignore flow, which then a) leads one towards the end aka falling for a temptation and b) ignorance of reality causes belief in fiction; hence the conflict of reason (true vs false) tricking us to perceive adversaries between those who believe/not believe true/false.
The "two" of balance represents out of ONE. Flow defines beginning and end. There's no two in flow. Opposites are in coexistence within ONE; they're ALL ONE (alone). Form is within flow; flow/form is within energy.
NUM'BER, noun (to speak, name or tell). They suggest us to count the plural (all the ONEs) of the singular (within ALL), so that we ignore that ALL is ONE in energy.
Now comprehend that flow defines direction for the form within aka from beginning towards end; which causes the need to sustain oneself within flow. The parasites use suggestion to deceive us to want to go with the flow towards the end of form (us).