So I noticed this guy posting his video to one of the civil rights subreddits that I have a long history of activity with. I watched the video and just felt something was a little off. Sure enough I go and look at the Reddit account that posted it and it's just straight up near pure self-promotion of their YouTube channel and TikTok account. On top of that their comments are almost always within their own posts from what I can see.

So I gave them a heads up that they should change up their posting behavior because what they are currently doing actually falls into the realm of spam and could get their reddit account banned and their YouTube channel blocked by some subreddits. For good measure I dropped a comment on their YouTube video along the same lines.

Well it seems they didn't take the criticism very well and first posted a comment on that post stating:

Don't you find it amazing how you got people who infiltrated subreddits just like these pretending to dislike cops and they'll even join progressive groups but will come at me for posting anti-cop videos when that's pretty much all I do. Given I'm a black man that's actually FROM this area I thought my voice would've been kinda important. Especially given my history with being the number one most hated journalist as far as cops are concerned in that state. Just call the attorney general's office there and mention my name and trust me, eventually, they'll tell you all about me. I keep my foot on their necks. But it is interesting how you get people coming at me harder than these cops yet pretending they want reform. Excuse me but I'm not the one who held an innocent man at gunpoint in his own fucking home. Why is it that these people never seem to go at the cops this hard? Interesting how that works out. Another black man silenced because the only way to deal with my trauma is by posting these videos to express how much I hate cops due to my past with them. But I guess that doesn't matter. Black lives matter so much as they don't talk too much.

Then replies to me with:

I've been around for quite some time friend. I've participated on reddit for quite some time too. Your behavior of posting abusive YouTube messages got reported. Good luck with that.

Then tries to post some sort of rant on another subreddit titled "Just something I've noticed on reddit with silencing black voices" but the mods there delete it so I don't know what was in the body of that rant.

Well I got a good laugh at this since their account is literally six months old compared to my ten year old account with activity on that specific subreddit going back to just a few months after it was established. On top of that my YouTube channel that he reported for "abusive YouTube messages" actually has very good standing and is practically three times the size of his channel in both subscribers and viewership without the need to spam reddit with every new video that comes out.

This just further adds to the mountain of evidence that shows that these people often can't take the heat when they get called out on their shady tactics.


The setup, back in May 2016 I created a new character I named "TrumpTower" mainly because I liked to build mini-bases in the game and be a thorn in the side of the enemy forces. The new character was made to join a few of my friends who wanted to play a different faction at that time frame.

Well, this morning I was kicked from the game by an admin which shut down the game client. When started back up I saw that my characters name was changed to "LoyalRoadRunner". I filed a support ticket not too long after seeing this and got a response back this afternoon. What is interesting is the response I got from them.


My Ticket:

I was just recently kicked out of the game by a game admin and when I logged back in I noticed my character originally named TrumpTower was changed to LoyalRoadRunner. Why did this happen because I have had that character for nearly five years and never had a single issue with any terms of service or code of conduct in that entire time? Also why was I not approached by administrators about a potential name issue within this game and given a chance to change the name to something else? I picked the name mainly for the fact I generally build bases using the construction system and it referencing a well-known building.

I'm deeply offended by this as a person who has played this game since Beta.

Their Response:

GM * (Daybreak Games)


Thanks for contacting Player Support. We understand that your name was changed due to a Name Violation (historical figure, copyright building). After review we will be able to offer you a rename for the affected character. Please provide us with a list of 3-5 names you'd like within guidelines, in order of preference, and we will provide the first one available to you.

Please refer to the PlanetSide 2 Naming policy: What's the PlanetSide 2 Naming Policy?

Regards, GM Daybreak Games

Now what is funny is you can't copyright something like TrumpTower or even trademark it to prevent it from being used as a character name for an MMO like this. I'm willing to fight Trump in a legal battle about it and Daybreak is immune to legal action because of section 230 if they comply with a valid DMCA.

Secondly and the important part is their anti-naming thing is not evenly enforced and was seems their naming policy was updated to include this stuff on January 26, 2021 16:37. (Archive of Name Policy Page).

Now what is really funny is the fact they seem to not take a proactive dealing with this issue as I have found several characters with names that violate their police using a player search system connected to their API. Let us have a look at the US presidents list; Obama, Bush, Clinton Nixon. Okay so what about international ones like; Churchill, Merkel, Johnson - Johnson(Active player), Thatcher. Well that seems odd that there are several accounts active and inactive that still have those names.

What about certain religious figures like; Jehovah, Yahweh, Moses/Musa, Muhammad, Brahma, Shiva, Devi, Mars, Zues, Nyx (Also a weapon in the game)

I'm toying with the idea using the aberration clause of their ToS to force push at them to publish a complete list of common terms that is not allowed to be used in a character name that is updated annually and/or restore the TrumpTower name. What are your thoughts?

As for figuring out a new name, I'm looking at T-Censored-Tower, TCensoredTower, and VoldemortTower.


So does any of you have any insight on the issue of possible censorship of .win on Reddit? Below is what brought about this question.

So tonight I posted a video on both half KiA and KiA Prime and encountered an interesting. In both posts on Reddit I made a respective backed up comment linking to their respective .win boards. On half KiA I got an interesting response to my linking to .win from the Reddit sub.

You can't link to win on reddit.

Reddit removes any comments with such links, or even mentions, in a way mods can't approve.

So our only option is to remove it and advise you to make a new comment without it.

I've found this fairly interesting because we have a bot on KiA Prime posting to this subreddit just fine on Reddit and none of my back up comments linking to posted content here has been removed from KiA prime.

I had some further back and forth with that mod about the issue finding it interesting that it isn't an issue over on KiA Prime's subreddit. Another comment also caught my attention:

As I said sometimes even mentioning wins in the wrong way gives the same result.

This really peeked my interest in the matter and I stated that it looks like some testing needs to be done. The moderator didn't seem to happy about that and got very defensive about me conducting tests on half KiA. Especially ending our exchange with:

I welcome you to do whatever you want elsewhere.

Now I'm wondering if it is just the half KiA moderator team being extra defensive or Reddit admins implementing something on specific subreddits.

I guess I will have to go about testing in the next few weeks and see what I come up with between non-popular and popular subreddits.

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