Throughout the article she peppers in statements like, "What does that say to the people like me who, no matter what they did, would still be on the heavier end of the spectrum?" Part of fat acceptance is the false idea that there are naturally fat people and naturally skinny people which is of course 100% horse shit. So it isn't even about "lifestyle choices" it's an immutable feature, so it is like racism.
It's funny the left believes that a man can become a woman but not that a fat can become a skinny.
In the early weeks, I even tweeted: “Dieting is not so much about losing weight as it is about gaining an eating disorder.”
This is what they actually think. Eating too much carbs too often and making yourself insulin resistant "not an eating disorder." Eating a proper human diet like a proper human "an eating disorder."
because being fat is the worst kind of failure.
It literally is. You're literally failing to maintain your actual SELF. What could be more of a failure?
tough but fair
The masks prevent other forests from catching fire.
The actual cooking isn't that messy. Removing the remaining oil from the cooking vessel without spilling any is the hard part for me.
What is the advantage of a wok for deep frying versus a dutch oven?
Long covid is the same thing as fibromyalgia and the same thing as chronic Lyme disease and the same thing as chronic fatigue syndrome.
Fuck Lincoln. I'll allow it.
I've fried my own fries many times. It's a pant load of pain in the ass. I'll usually chunk up potatoes, toss them in bacon grease and air fry them and that scratches the same itch, but if I want deep fried I am buying them (or mostly not because everywhere uses vegetable oils) because a man can only spill oil all over his stove so many times.
e: Actually now that I think about it I haven't done any deep frying since I've become a seed oil disrespecter and tallow would be easier to clean because it's solid at room temp.
Excess salt isn't bad for you as long as you have functional kidneys. The connection to hypertension isn't based on real science. South Koreans eat twice the salt on average as Americans and have much less hypertension. Prior to refrigeration Europeans ate ten times the salt as Americans currently do and less hypertension. It's the refined sugar and HFCS and the carbs in general and seed oils. If this chain starts using tallow to make their fries I'll move to Russia.
animal fats are healthy actually
O'Hara did nothing wrong.
Are you sure this will help us sell more browsers?
lol, if TSMC wants americans to die to defend their damn fabs then they can fucking build them on american soil. "oh, it would cost billions to move the-" a war with China would cost trillions.
The tree of 4nm process must be periodically watered with american blood!
He has a point. We need to separate the races to protect people of color from white violence. There's also more whites on welfare so I propose that races should be taxed to pay their own races welfare so that whites will stop their freeloading.
I'm more in the "the jabs are bad because of incompetence and greed" camp. I don't think they are competent enough to create a jab that would permanently suppress the immune system even if they wanted to. I'll admit that may just be wishful thinking.
"rained snow"?
I got the J&J so there's no nanolipid nonsense so it (probably) isn't that different from a regular virus. Just about anything should run its course eventually.
Sovereignty was actually never ceded in the case of Hawaii. They had legit internationally recognized sovereignty too; the Hawaiian monarchs had diplomatic relationships with other countries including the United Kingdom. My dream is this "was never ceded" stuff leads to Hawaiian independence and democrats losing two guaranteed Senate seats permanently.
I think most Americans, myself included, get introduced to Hershey's chocolate at such an early age that we never really stop to think, "why does this taste subtly of vomit?"
Oh, yeah, I didn't know "Your Squaw is on the Warpath" is a touch racist. Pardon me, boy, is this a stupid fucking listicle.
No. I think the effect just diminished over time.
Probably 2001: A Space Odyssey even though it's weird as fuck.
I took the vaccine very early on because I'm an idiot. I've never ever been as sick as often as the year following the injection. I almost never get colds normally and when I do they are very mild. I got multiple colds and they put me on my ass. Fortunately I'm back to normal.
It's not just the appetite suppression; even for people without diabetes the insulin sensitization contributes greatly to weight loss. The dumb thing is it is really easy to increase insulin sensitivity through fasting and reducing carb intake and you don't even risk pooping the bed.