And this is with the extremely limited numbers they actually let in.
If that number is > 0, they done fuck up. For some reason it angers me more than it should and I am not even Japanese or a weebz.
Immigrant? What the fuck Japan? Japanese citizens need to turn up the racism to 11.
This is the faggiest shit I have seen a father do.
I wish him nothing but the worst, and then some more.
If that means hot chicks back, no faggots and no niggers in my games - ill welcome our new Chinese gaming overlords.
The good: No niggers.
The bad: Every side quest was about the "bearers" (stand in niggers) struggle.
The not-so-bad: There is a faggot in the game, but the character was decent and the faggotry wasn't too heavy handed.
Story was meh/10.
Ending was shit/10
At least they had decent looking female characters.
Schreier lives in the New York City area.[5] He is Jewish.[1][
The west started going to shit when they gave women the power of suffrage.
This country loves to workship nigger culture.
Maybe the UK should have just let Germany roll over them during WWII.
They would still be under the boot, but at least they would be pajeet and nigger free.
Counter point to psycial stores: seen niggers do nigger things.
I have only seen pictures of that angle of her - mostly from the youtube thumbnails.
She looks decently cute, but you can never trust the "MySpace angle".
You rather have niggers?
I understand what you are saying, but my dude: anything is better than niggers.
It wouldn't be as bad if they importing somewhat similar-ish people, such as Chinese or Koreans.
If they bring in niggers, sand niggers and pajeets they are fucked. Can't they see what every country that brings people turn into?
That midget turned out to be a turbo fag, didn't he? Dude became irrelevant after GoT, like most of their cast.
This sounds as retarded as Big Mike Obama looking angry holding that "bring our girls back" sign.
Those retards that paid for this crap should lose their money.
A world without nigs.
I am surprised they left the comments section enabled.
Tis one is an American Landmark that literally everyone knows by heart and has a far more "sacred" reputation around its history.
The Disney empire was basically built on this movie.
The truly picked the worst possible one to go full woke on.
You think it was a mistake? See your comment above about been an American landmark. Maybe they wanting to go full woke was fully intended - they left can only destroy. However, they did not account for that insufferable bitch to put her foot in her mouth every time she had a microphone in front of her.
black Ariel
Yeah... fuck niggariel. /spit
Any game without niggers and fags starts at 5/10 by default.
Really? I didnt finish washing the trailer - I dont recall any nigs from the parts i watched.
If thats the case .5/10. Barely worth the bandwidth of the .torrent file itself. ~1MB max.
They at least they didn't niggerfy the ginger.
This makes it 1/10 stars.
Outlaw chick looks better than real life, IMO.
Also there was no need to uglyfy the Fable chick, she is not attractive to start with.
Elon needs to remove that shit.
If you post shit publicly, you shouldn't be able to restrict who can reply.
This shit pisses me off, specially when governmental agencies do it.