You can't exactly poll for this online because it'll be determined by the kind of place you're asking, like preddit is obviously going to be dominated by soys and 4chan probably RW depending on the board, so I would say it can only be speculated on without the ability to run a formalized study.

So, what does your choice of faction say about you. Idk about the state of SC2 these days but Brood Wars seemed pretty much balanced all three ways so there was no reason to choose based on viability alone.

I think it's a somewhat interesting question because thematically, it's pretty clear that they were going with a heaven/hell/earth aesthetic. Terran being man and originally of Earth, Zerg being only what can be described as demons as though from hell, and Protoss are otherworldly almost angelic aliens with architecture reminiscent of what you might imagine heaven would have. A very cool general aesthetic and theme for a game, but also very simple, and each one is going to attract certain kinds of people differently.

Also I know I said polling one specific place isn't useful for answering the question, but purely out of curiosity: https://strawpoll.com/polls/6QnM7aAWVZe

I choose Terran, myself. I've always like Terran the most even before becoming politically aware but I also see it as the general default RW choice due to their presentation.

So he updated his pfp on twitter to be one of those stupid Milady NFTs. Normally I would be utterly indifferent to any NFT shenanigans, but uh.. aren’t the Milady ones specifically from some kind of online grooming group? I’m very unclear on any details, I’ve just heard some things. And most of the people responding to the update didn’t seem too pleased either, though I didn’t see any who said why.

I am essentially completely OOTL on this so if this is an utterly stupid perception to have, do let me know.


What's the savvy boi's email of choice these days? I heard protonmail was supposed to have a good concept behind it but was ultimately skunked, though it's escaping me what exactly the issue was. But I don't really know, this isn't something I've put any real research into, I just know it's probably a good idea to go ahead and forgo my outlook account at this point.


The green and purple color scheme, is that in reference to Kritikal's Black and Yellow cover popular with the v4c crowd or is it something else?

Googling it says it's in reference to the dumb daily dose meme but I kinda hope that's not the case.


Does it for all that I frequent other than this one. I don't have any other websites I go to that start with k, so idk if it's just an exception or not. Consumeproduct likes to autofill to my bank that I look at maybe once every couple of days and Patriots goes to a restaurant I do online ordering on.

Even when I type out multiple letters it'll sometimes just search "pat" or "con" instead of autofilling Patriots and Consumeproduct.

If it is what I think it is, what a pathetic attempt at censorship. Would like to see the galaxy brain that came up with that one. Exceptionally mild inconvenience, get owned drumptard.


Or perhaps it was that they don't need a test, which I can only assume is because asymptomatic cases weren't considered a concern at the time. It's not on their guidelines page anymore, I can only find articles referencing it, not the passage on the CDC's site itself.