We should get a series on south asian colonization by whites. Wait, I think a documentary would be better
I want an anime about colonizing south asia
Whites need to bring their superior government to south asian countries
No, post whites colonizing seamonkeys, that's based
Can you post one with a seamonkey?, that would own the board or something
What a convenient time to be a virtual monopoly on anime distribution through mergers
And you are still seething over him. Imagine being mogged by a dead guy
And yet, dude still got more action than you. Lol
'I'm on your side, stop cucking me'
Betting your mom was the one who got bleached
Nah, seamonkeys are so irrelevant you weren't even considered as shitskins
Because she knows seamonkeys shouldn't reproduce
Please, post images of south asian earthquakes. That shit cracks me up
Allowing seamonkeys internet conection is a grave mistake
Imagine being outdone in relevancy by east-asian and latinos
Also by doing this you're stealing the women from the men living there.
Bruh, imagine being that big of a seething incel you go spam a random forum because you think hwities stole your women. No, whites don't want shemonkeys
Stick to your language, seamonkey
You are a seamonkey, nobody cares about your opinions
Call a seamonkey a pedo and he'll be unfazed, call a seamonkey a seamonkey and you'll be surprised at how he recoils, etc
Regardless if you are being honest about your retardation. I think is pretty sad you'd go to such extend to get some attention. Godspeed
Also, you forgot to change alt
Wrong thread, retard
I heard shemonkeys eloping with whites to get outside that shitty country is quite common