Thats the entire country.
Not really a Mario fan, But its Mario.
No one said that. Maybe youre so badly misinformed because you decline to read what people are saying?
They've already dropped the requirement for taxi drivers to speak Japanese. And convenience stores are all being bought out by Indians, Japanese staff all get fired and replaced with other Indians. Japans famously high quality of service will be a memory soon.
Also Rahm Emmanuel (the US "duel citizenship" ambassador) is always on twitter telling everyone what a good boy Kisheda is for obediently doing this dumb shit.
I miss when smokes were called fags too. Hearing my grandmother say "Be back in a bit, going to go smoke a fag on the bog (toilet)"
This is on K road. I used to live there decades ago when I was a student because it was so cheap at the time. It was where all the prostitutes and drug addicts hung out. Pretty disgusting place at night. Constantly being accosted by diseased trannys and dodging puddles of vomit on the ground.
I remember seeing a couple of people hit (but not killed) on that exact crossing. Funny that the government decided to make it even more dangerous.
The JCP is fucking insane and I don't understand why they were allowed to continue existing after they organised a terrorist bombing campaign and tried to start a guerilla war against the country. They should have been wiped out after that.
I was in a meeting today where about 5 male devs went off about how they hate toxic, masculine games and how they want to devote the company to making queer dating sims that feature more examples of drag to "help normalise it". Removing HR won't fix these kinds of guys, they're totally reprogrammed.
Sucks to know they're going to keep tanking the company and that I'll eventually lose my job but the company deserves it.
"Pre-Attack Warning: On March 7, The U.S. and British Embassies both released Travel Warnings in Moscow"
My wife used to get emails like this from the Japanese embassy every ramadan. "Avoid large gatherings for the next month"
Wired should tell us the full names and home addresses of these researchers.
It might have changed, but last time I was living in NZ a lot of migrants would just transfer their foreign and probably fake licences. Their countries are so corrupt that the useless NZ gov couldnt be fucked trying to verify them. But also wouldn't make them re-sit all the tests. So they'd just hand them a licence.
People will die, but that is a sacrifice they're willing to make I guess.
Its all being pushed by the US. The ambassador was bragging about it last year. Now they're going to start pushing the really fucked up shit.
Obedience to the party.
If I thought it would stop there I wouldn't care too much. But we all know what comes next. They're already waving that intersectional flag with the black and brown on it, fully importing Western culture war.
Some Nepalese bought out the Lawson near where Im living in Japan and in just avoid it now. Always trying to overcharge me "by mistake", not removing out of date stock, and always pestering me to buy a curry bun or some shit.
Melbourne is absolutely fucking insane and the people keep begging for more.
As much as I hated living in South Australia and think Adelaide is a shit hole they were relatively chill compared to some other states and didn't have the concentration camps.
Thats probably the nicest thing I can say about Adelaide though. "It didn't have the concentration camps"
Yep I'd rather have a Japanese lady at 7-11 be fake polite to me than some rude Indian guy trying to overcharge me on an out of date product and then having a group of teens outside the store ask "you wanna get fuckin smashed eh cunt?"
I really miss how the west (or at least NZ where I grew up) used to be 20+ years ago. At that time I'd say it was superior to Japan. But right now it's fucked. Not sure if its salvageable.
All true. Working for a Japanese company would be hell. I doubt I could endure it. Im lucky enough to work remote.
In regards to martial arts. This might not be a common experience but the kendo clubs I train at here are much more relaxed about manners and other formalities than in the western clubs Ive been to. More physically demanding and more skilled, but just sloppy with manners. Not what I had expected. Being a forigner, at first they do offer you a lot of opportunities to be held to a lower standard. Decline those offers.
Its a good way to quickly make real friends. Theres a lot of value in shared suffering.
People sometimes get fired if their company finds out they've cheated on their spouse too. I have mixed feelings about it.
Where I work we got a shit ton of investment money about 5 years ago. At the same time the company decided to get an all female board (they were very proud of this) and they started spending all the money on big offices, hiring their friends. Wasting money on courses about "being strong and showing your vulnerability" as well as all the usual DEI training. Massive overstaffing aswell.
Now a lot of contracts have dried up, moneys gone. Many of the best people quit. DEI hires won't leave and don't know how to do their jobs and many in upper management are too terrified to take any kind of risk. They haven't learned anything either, trying to worm trans shit into every prototype and pitch.
Based on my 20 years in the industry this is the life cycle and it seems unlikely to change.
Group of friends (usually mostly men) start a new company.
Work hard, modest pay, long hours, passionate, comradary, unified vision. Blunt honesty with each other.
Successful indie title, big money
Studio expands, wants to make bigger things.
A parasite gets hired, refers its parasite friends for hiring.
Company becomes large enough that it creates an HR dept.
Now there is massive inflow of parasites, non- parasites blacklisted by HR on the basis of not being a "cultural fit". People are no longer hired because of skills but "race" "gender" "sexual orientation" or because they're friends with HR. Recommendations by relevant seniors are ignored.
Parasites care less about games than their own ideology, reinforce each other and create dishonest hugboxes that kill the possibility of honest feedback.
No unified vision, Products are compromised and politics injected into everything alienating a portion of the studio.
Infighting starts, Orignal members are forced out by the parasites, those good ones that remain become disillusioned and check out, do minimal work and spend their energy on personal projects instead.
Output and quality drop.
Talented staff start to quit and move on, some create new companies. When they are replaced its with more parasites (if the company still has money)
Eventually the money runs out, husk of a company crumbles. Parasites disperse and attach themselves to new hosts.
Cool now they can make a retarded depressed AI that gives destructive advice.
Yea he was just a sailor or possibly a slave. Nobunaga was fascinated by his skin and took him home to show guests. He stayed there for less then a year. Nobunaga may have made him an honorary samurai. Then Nonunaga was killed and when everyone else was being executed they let him go because they regarded him as a farm animal. Not joking. The idea that he was an elite samurai warrior is ridiculous. Almost nothing is actually known. Because he wasn't important.
Its not. Tons and tons of Indians and Arabs coming in atm. Lots of Indonesian Muslims too. Not sure about Africans, but there was another stabbing the other day when an African guy decided he wanted a teenagers wallet.