Absolutely no chance whatsoever that it's going to be any good, both because of the amount of rainbow shit that a popular franchise in 2024 will incorporate and because the people making it are very bad at making video games.
In less than a decade they did a complete 180 degree shift on how they feel about the concept of free speech, it doesn't bother them at all that they changed a fundamental belief, and they'll only get agitated if you point that out.
People who complain about "95% chance to hit" in Xcom are the same as people who complain about "doom stacks" in Civilization 4: they think they know a lot more about the game than they do and they want to sound smart online.
This election is going to come down to a few thousand people in 2-3 states and we could easily end up with President Kamala Harris and a pathological liar/closeted homo as the vice president. Anybody who is doing anything besides going 100% pro-Trump at all times should be treated as an enemy combatant.
Fansubbers only bother if Crunchyroll's crimes are so egregious they can't be ignored, like making Nagatoro say sus. With animes on Hidive you can just politely email them and explain what the localizers are defacing and Hidive goes ahead and fixes it themselves.
Wrestling giants can throw off a person's perspective. Edge is 6'5" and around 240 pounds, he'd be the biggest and most jacked guy in 9 bars out of 10 on a Saturday night, but he looks normal when he's around gigantic walls of muscle like John Cena.
You vastly underestimate how good leftist activists are at sniffing out fakes.