Fun fact, they'll get government disaster relief money just like regular people that have a single home. And they'll get more of it due to the value of their house.
I don't know why name it after him. It's not like it was his money.
Can't wait to see how the powers that be nullify this win and cucks them all.
"Your reaction to our shitty behavior is harassment and abuse."
He's not wrong, but he could have demanded no censorship when he signed the contracts turning over his work to the west (or to the company that would later turn over his work without regard).
They'll wait for you to buy it and then patch it.
"Flee" your country not to safety but to the country with the best gibs.
Too dumb to realize you can't engage in corruption and commit crimes unless you toe the line for your communist masters.
Fri, September 27, 2024, 2:54 PM EDT
He could have just kept his mouth shut and nobody would have even remembered him. Instead he chose to remind everyone he exists and is a retarded crybaby.
Ruined by growing up via pornography, the modern leftist is unable to see anything without automatically applying sexual context.
Fucking do it.
If Sony and Funimation were allowed to accuse Vic Mignogna of being a literal rapist with no evidence and get away with it, surely he can get away with true and factual statements of whoring.
I suspect the only objection is that they are AI translated, and literal to the original words, and didn't go through woke "localization" instead.
"Why not eating chemical soups masquerading as food is racist" -- Axios
I was considering remodeling my gaming room and I've sunk hours into finding a table that would actually have a weight rating that could hold my CRT and the consoles that would connect to it.
Ultimately I decided, if I wanted one, I'd have to build one.
Meanwhile, a little bit of rose colored glasses because old tubes can have their own issues. I remember getting a bunch of adhesive magnetic strips to fix screen geometry and setting up a mirror so I could see the effects.
CRT construction is basically a lost art today. The machines have been scrapped, everyone who operated them retired or died. It's kind of sad.
The funny part about trans fats is that they themselves were pushed as "healthy" alternatives to animal fats.
Meanwhile, what were trans fats replaced by? "Healthy" palm oil, for the most part, another oil that goes through an incredible industrial chemical process that yields an inflammatory food. Womp womp.
Reject modernity, return to lard.
I still remember when cereal companies, fed up with complaints, removed the laboratory dyes from their food. Then social media and the press went all-in on talking about how shitty the cereals looked and tasted.
I cannot be convinced it was not a deliberate move of malicious compliance to buy a few more decades of chemistry-set food: deliberately ruin your own product and pretend it's because you removed the artificial stuff.
Selectively enforced against those who are not permitted to win in a rigged system.
I feel like there needs to be a term coined for these sliding scales of evidence.
"Sure he donated to Democrats, but its not like it was 100% of their donations!"
"It doesn't matter how small the amount, he donated to Republicans! GRRR!!"
“Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?” Obama told the audience, which erupted with laughter.
Just when I feel I'm at the limit for my hatred of journalists they find a way to summon more.
This question seeks intellect where there is none. It is simply social pressure and feels.
Which is fine, that's just how women are wired. What's not fine is that men signed the 19th Amendment and created state violence backing feels.
Celebrating the death of Concord is a mixed blessing, because the lesson Sony will take from this is "we have to double up with shitting on existing IP instead of rolling something new."
Dragon Age Transguard will probably sell well enough to reinforce this, because retard consoomers.
I don't remember when exactly I was last inside a walmart, but I do remember x.88 was a very popular price on stuff that was on sale.
Idol (performance/celebrity) and Idol (gravure) are different things. Although there are some blurred lines like some porn actresses debuting after quitting being an idol performer like you mention.
The real surprise to me is that they refuse to "disclose" stuff to the public.
"Disclose" in quotes because this really is the golden opportunity to cement every lie they possibly could dream of into truth by just claiming it was in the Iran documents. The same way some rag publishes a lie, which gets quoted in Wikipedia, which then gets quoted by everyone else to become "truth".
But maybe because idiots believe them already, it's not worth the trouble to fabricate it?
"But my government school told me poisoning wells is blood libel"