Tyranny of the majority is not a good thing. I hate to think what all Biden's handlers plan to do, if they actually manage to cheat that vegetable into the White House.
Stealing other people's ideas is the closest thing China's had to innovation in at least a century. The CCP would likely have collapsed by now, If the world wasn't propping them up at their own expense.
I can't remember who said this line "No bad tactics, only bad targets.", but it seems relevant. At this point it seems like it's practically the left's new motto.
No. Both the Nazis and the Soviets were a lot of authoritarian bastards. The mistake of WWII was that they stopped after Berlin. They should've kept going to Moscow and spread Stalin's cheeks with a Sherman.
Ask and you shall receive. https://archive.is/kB6k4
My first thought was this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPIdRJlzERo It's a true classic.
It helps that they've paid the scientists to say what they want them to.
You should always use archives for biased sites like these. It stops you from providing them additional hits, and makes it so they can't just delete if they feel called out. https://archive.is/h1PgU
This feels like an epic "no shit" moment. There are no clauses in the Constitution saying "these rights only count when the government feels like it". Having said that, I can only hope this sets precedent. Best case scenario is it gets to the supreme court, and all these bullshit lock-down measures get axed.
The problem isn't with the "LGB", it's the "T" causing the issues. So called "transgender" is mental illness, body dysphoria to be specific. I personally believe it would be better treated by therapy of some kind to help them accept who they are.
As is, they convince people to mutilate themselves in order to foster a delusion. The fact they're trying to force this on children now is especially heinous, and depraved. That's without getting into the stupidity of demanding to give any dipshit who claims to be trans special treatment.
Fair enough. I guess I overstated it when I said I hated the phrase. I'd just prefer people use what I consider to be a more correct term. Ultimately as long as people know what you mean, it should be fine.
The last time I ate burger king, it gave me gas so bad the cat was looking at me funny. I haven't touched the stuff since.
I'm beginning to suspect these sudden woke maneuvers may be a desperate bid for attention. That maybe they aren't doing so well, but they don't actually know how to improve.
I honestly think sites like CNN prefer being called "fake news". Although I suspect the NPCs that still follow the likes of CNN won't be swayed, regardless of what anyone calls them.
They're just being pedantic because you forgot to include an 'or' in that list.
I hate the term "fake news". It's a buzzword, that seems to have been concocted to make normies dismiss anyone that uses it. The proper word is propaganda. EG: CNN is a propaganda outlet for the DNC.
Does anyone have the "Liberty Prime" script? I haven't been able to find it, because the bot was just named "automoderator" and I can't search the sub now that it's private. I don't know if it actually works, but hopefully it at least annoys the CCP's fuckbois.
The real question now is: How do we make normal people aware of this? Also, does anyone know a good way of saving videos?
His last name is seriously "Toole"? He's certainly trying to live up to it.
I can only assume you saw how they reacted in 2016 when He won. This violence is practically a continuation of their reaction to 2016. If Trump wins again I'd fully expect them to at least continue, if not escalate.
They're gonna have a hell of a time trying to riot in places with stand your ground laws and castle doctrine.
His most recent role is the "Postal Dude" in Postal 4. His most famous role is from a series that peaked in the ninety's, then crashed and burned in 2011. I doubt He'll be getting any high profile jobs soon.
Is this a business deal or a charity? Why should they host apps at cost, and not make a profit off it?
Is this not a standard cost practically everywhere? What is with big corporations whining about other big corporations not hosting their content free? Why is this Facebook's reaction?
I have to wonder how much this will effect sales. It doesn't change anything for me, because I lost interest the moment Facebook bought them. I was actually expecting this to happen a bit sooner than it wound up.
What they call "hate speech" is just their excuse to purge dissent. You can bet that if they ever pass any laws on that, that it wll be worded in a way to shut down anyone they dislike.