Niggers start off as "guilty until proven innocent."
Southpark blink
LOL. Take a shower, hippie.
Just fucking walk on them. Kick their silly shit out of the way and walk on them.
Every super-epic failure is a win?
Every single time ... really is ... every ... single ... time
All on the goyim untermench and they all committed suicide shortly after.
Oy vey, where did his radical antisemitism come from?
Broken clocks, I guess.
You cannot legislate morality, though.
Millstones. That's what I worry about.
I'd have to care about porn.
No, I have a habit of shouting "PEDO PAJEET DETECTED" on [this asshole's current alias: suicidepajeeta] dumb shit, so I just tacked it onto Streetshame's post.
Freddie Mercury has entered the chat
I heard Panty-Fa ...
I retain most of what I read. The retention goes up if I write notes. It's a plan and structure. I recreate the scene.
Yep. Saw that earlier in conpro.
Maps look better when hung on the wall.