As I understand it, it's emblematic of the accommodations made between the very traditional christians in the US and the far more liberal populace. The previous agreement was the compromise position, but now that the heavily-Democrat areas have decided that they don't need to honour agreements with gasp conservatives those self-same conservatives don't apparently feel the need to moderate their own views to play nice with the "liberals".
Not seen much discussion about this here, however, I have a question.
Is Lt.Col Scheller about to lose his second amendment rights under US Red Flag regulations? That would seem to be the obvious step, if you're an unethical shyster intent on suppressing dissent.
The media states that the media is a virtuous, vital part of a functioning democracy.
The last four years of media-driven TDS has, I think, shown what they truly are, but I expect they'll demand a substantial quid pro quo for keeping as much heat as they can off Biden. Look for Silicon Valley to go nuts over the next couple of years, I guess, or state handouts to media in the Canada vein.
Ehh, he's doing the "death of whiteness" rather than the "death of whites" thing here ... but that runs headlong into other bits of this. Cultural appropriation is bad, so what, then for white people? Just surrender their culture entirely and live on as cultureless voids, mere serfs to be exploited by every other civilisation out there? (and to be honest, if "white people" - oh how I hate how reductive that is - do pull a Sweden and pretend they don't even have a culture, they'd deserve it)
... my question is: is this Rolling Stone consciously taking one for the team?