83671R18 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, you quoted yourself and then assumed that I think they should not all be housewives because I dared to point out the fact muslims eradicate knowledge and keep their slaves in conditions unfit for human life to accelerate demand for foreign slaves.

So yeah, shut your trap about 'housewives' - you want slaves because you're a subhuman mudslime/pedo pajeet. Your kind do not deserve the glory of loving and being loved by a faithful wife because you mudslime-worshipping subhumans are a contagion, a disease, a threat to my people that will be eradicated.

83671R18 6 points ago +6 / -0

The slaves hate it when someone escapes the plantation - they ALL get whipped by massa for it.

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

He did say something about britbong agencies some time ago.


I'm of the opinion that redcoat invaders should be shown a warning shot first and ordered to leave the premises, and if they do not stand down, full military force.

83671R18 1 point ago +2 / -1

How much do you like being wrong? https://files.catbox.moe/raulcf.png

Nice mspaint doodle, pedo pajeet. It proves nothing. By the way, WW2 was a thing.

Also you're a woman, so i won't bother arguing with you anymore

Hahaha, run like the cowardly monkeypox-riddled rat you are, muslim filth. You could not withstand having your lies be broken. Go and beg to your handler for a swift death.

83671R18 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've shredded your idiotic train of thought and all you can do is call me "offended" or a "feminist" for the crime of destroying your arguments.

And there's nothing wrong with "enslaving women to have more children"

Ha, you rapidly abandoned the 'housewife' lie the moment I took it apart. And if you think there's nothing wrong with enslaving women, then you are a threat to my people. The UN will not be able to cover for you forever, goat fucker.

just look at how Japan's birthrates collapsed after America forced the gender equality law on Japan after ww2.


Not really. It was an unhealthy culture of overwork in the 1970s and the early 2000s that really set it off. But you're so desperate for slaves to rape that you'd lie about it, worm.

83671R18 1 point ago +1 / -0

Struck dead center, didn't I?

You're so obviously an offended woman .

Lol you quoted yourself and called yourself an offended woman because I ripped apart every one of your lies. Are you even literate? What's the matter? Why are you muslims getting so offended when people fight back against your lies?

83671R18 1 point ago +1 / -0

Struck a nerve, eh muslim? The moment I pointed out your lies you rapidly go for the "waaah youre offended, youre a woman" route. Newsflash, goatfucker, your kind are a threat to the peace and freedom of my people.

83671R18 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Crying about"? you're a deceitful one, you muslim worm.

All I did was state the fact that muslims, whereever they seize absolute power anywhere, turn women and girls into expendable slaves for expanding their own so-called 'religion' through mass childbirth and eradicate the culture, history and knowledge of those they conquer.

put women in their place.

That is not what being a 'housewife' is. Of course, I don't expect a muslim to understand the importance of a housewife because to them, women are replaceable slaves.

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're either a muslim, or an idiot. Their whole purpose in enslaving women and girls is procreation on a mass scale so they can overrun your countries too, for the express purpose of enslaving women and children in your countries and adding them to the apparatus of the unending production line of more rapefugees.

They have, and are obsessed with replacing entire nations and ethnicities for the 'crime' of not worshipping their knockoff old testament sky daddy.

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

Press-ganged, but at the age of 18~26, it is easier to escape when there is no unified propaganda machine forcing obedience to the draft on penalty of death. Why are you so determined to not discuss that?

83671R18 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) That's not part of any military strategy.

See, that's why your countries are being overrun by rapefugees. Your ignorance on this matter is amusing - and so is your ignorance on how your immune system works.

b) My kind is a dragon. rawr. I am not responsible for October 7th.

The massacre carried out by Hamas on October 7th 2023. No matter how hard you redditors try to memoryhole it, the fact remains that a callous disregard for border security is what made it happen.

83671R18 6 points ago +8 / -2

A desperate deflection, muslim. But I'll break your lies anyway.

In America, the draft age is 18~26; well into adulthood due to a bill passed by warmongering 'rulers' who have no problem sending Americans to die in pointless conflicts - it is not Americans who are sending their own children to die.

Muslims brainwash their children early on to ensure compliance - the child has little to no chance to escape from the islamic propaganda machine where they are born, and die a pointless death.

After all, much like the slaves they take, those children are considered "replaceable" to the islamic war machine.

83671R18 2 points ago +5 / -3

Maybe try putting two and two together instead and think about who, how and why your people are being replaced instead of cucking to muslims who want to replace you anyway?

83671R18 5 points ago +8 / -3

And you're downplaying the danger that death cult is on every nation in the world.

You call it "being a housewife", I call it for what it is - keeping women in miserable conditions so that they die early - just so that it provides an impetus into seizing the women and children of other nations. The pedo pajeet didn't understand why this was an unsustainable model either.

By the way, the abuse, pimping and murder of women and girls under their control is a uniquely islamic cultural behavior that has, for hundreds of years, provided their impetus for constant raiding and expansionism.

Of course, you muslims would try and cover that up.

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

No no, I fully support this; when they try to call it a 'conspiracy theory', it's clear they're trying to hide something.

83671R18 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey now, the cactus has a right to refuse THAT kind of thing. In fact, should it agree, I say we should PAY the cactus.

83671R18 5 points ago +9 / -4

Ha, nice try but those muslims don't have 'families'. They don't bother to build a better future for their children, rather - they'd just waste all their money on weapons and draft their own children into a pointless conflict in the name of their false god.

PS: Feminism isn't knowledge.

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