Which part of what i said was a lie?;
Also your claim that
"they hit them so hard they apologized"
lol what a convenient excuse i wonder why they never apologized to any other country that also hit them very hard. And do you have any excuses to say about Israel training ISIS and admitting they like having ISIS occupying other countries and that they find ISIS useful and don't want them defeated?
Which part of what i said was a lie?;
Also your claim that
"they hit them so hard they apologized"
lol what a convenient excuse i wonder why they never apologized to any other country that also hit them very hard. And do you have anything else to say about Israel training ISIS and admitting they like having ISIS occupying other countries and that they find ISIS useful and don't want them defeated?
Which part of what i said was a lie?;
Also your claim that
"they hit them so hard they apologized"
lol what a convenient excuse i wonder why they never apologized to any other country that also hit them very hard. And do you have anything else to say about Israel training ISIS and admitting they like having ISIS occupying other countries and that they find ISIS useful?
Which part of what i said was a lie?;
Also your claim that
"they hit them so hard they apologized"
lol what a convenient excuse i wonder why they never apologized to any other country that also hit them very hard