Yeah, this has been in their ToS since 2013 at least, it's not new.
Microsoft also records what you're saying/doing over XBox/Kinect, Skype, Windows, or any of their services. Amazon with their phones and Alexa records and stores your conversations, Apple with Siri and their phones do the same. Discord and Reddit do the same too, also Facebook. Valve/Steam most likely do it as well.
You give consent just by using the service, any messaging or voice program you should assume records you.
Yeah, this has been in their ToS since 2013 at least, it's not new. Microsoft also records what you're saying/doing over XBox/Kinect, Skype, Windows, or any of their services. Amazon with their phones and Alexa records and stores your conversations, Apple with Siri and their phones do the same. Discord and Reddit do the same too, also Facebook. Valve/Steam most likely do it as well.
You give consent just by using the service, any messaging or voice program you should assume records you.
This is why hardware control is important. My computer can't record what I say if I don't plug in a microphone.
My mics spend most of their time on mute.