So it’s been announced that noted author Terry Goodkind has died. For those who haven’t read his books, they were a fantasy series which included a heavy dose of objectivism and libertarianism as well. He was very unabashedly pushing an agenda of “government bad, rise up and live your life in freedom and do what you want to do, you can succeed without government”, and with the news that he has died, a shitton of leftists on Reddit have come crawling out of the woodwork to shit on the man.
It’s actually kinda sickening to watch so many people come out and attack him barely 24 hours after his death and mischaracterise his work as well. There’ll be outright lies of “oh, his books say fuck the poor, only the rich are worthwhile” and similar stuff, and yet reading them, it’s pretty obvious that he very much goes for the complete opposite of general leftist policy and believes that everyone has a chance to succeed if they just apply themselves. Yes, he did some hackneyed writing and relied on one too many dei ex machinis at times, which is fair game for critique, but it’s saddening watching the circlejerk of “I hate his books because they preach that we shouldn’t be reliant on government” begin in real time.
Anyway, rant over.
You think modern lefties read?
If it's not on Twitter or Reddit they don't have time for it.
Remember #ReaderGate?
No, what was that about?
Anti-gg tried to take the argument about context into the realm of literature thinking that gg hadn't read any books. There's some evidence of the goading and responses here, much was either removed or deleted after it was shown that gg indeed was well read and could outwit little blue checkmarks and their followers with aplomb.
When classics like I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, The Outsiders, The Glass Menagerie, The Bell Jar and Ulysses (To name a few) were all given the SJW treatment in reverse it turns out they hadn't read many books themselves and were BTFO intellectually.
Outrage mongers with shit books to sell (Like Ryan Holiday) managed to propagate the hashtag into a popular trend prior to them being smashed to the ground by our overwhelming numbers shoving them to the kerb.
Many a doobs and cools were roasted in the depths of the slor on that day, I can tell you!