posted ago by TisDaRhythmOfDaNight ago by TisDaRhythmOfDaNight +61 / -1

CNN article archive

Blake Neff was outed as user "CharlesXII" on AutoAdmit, a relatively-tame right-wing political board.

They're going after Tucker because he's officially a threat now. I was wondering what took them so long.

The "smear" part is that they took threads that he didn't write but just had a reply in, usually a joke. Then they associated the opinions of the thread's writer with Neff. Just the usual stuff they do in hitjobs like this. Leftist news writers who are currently employed have done infinitely worse, but nobody's concerned about that, naturally.

Now comes the real test. Tucker has announced that he's going to mention Neff on his next show this Monday.

The predictable course of action is this: Tucker disavows Neff. Show hires new, more "diverse" writers. Show becomes all milquetoast or even completely pozzed. Tucker loses all the momentum he earned in the past several months.

Hopefully Tucker and Fox News will have the courage to do the right thing.