What games are y’all playing? Suggestions/Reviews/Thoughts? Hyped up for anything and want to share? I’ve been devouring Dragon Quest XI and Little Witch Nobeta, needed an RPG fix badly! DQ actually greatly benefits from whatever graphic engine they are using, the cartoony style for Toriyama design is great (although he keeps reusing the same faces/archetypes for everything). Nobeta actually harder than dark souls for me, I can’t parry to save my life and am still stuck at the second boss. Also picked up SinOAlice because why not, peeps are still in quarantine here anyway.
Also, can we get a Vidya tag, please?
Dota, because I didn't think I hated people in general enough yet. Minor venting but climbing out of shit ranks as support is a harrowing experience and finding people to play with is just overall terrible. I can only take so much feel good, eternal positivity bullshit and passive aggressive blame shifting you find in discord groups for the like. I'm probably going to have to suck it up and accept that people in my games expect their support duo to be pos 5 + the other pos 5 and play accordingly. Bad habit formation be damned.
Tried the Kingmaker turn-based mod. It slows the game down way too much, you can brute force a fight by RNG faster than it would take to finish it with turn order half the time. It is agonisingly slow for little to no benefit.
Feels like I haven't played anything good in a long time. Certainly nothing this year so far unless you count a rerun of Legend of Dragoon.
I ended up playing nothing but Arcade section games in Dota before uninstalling (since I had to crank up the studies). I'm never quitting Dota proper but the occasional month-long break helps when I get that 10 streak loss in a single day.