I'm unsurprised, here's hoping there's some vocal outrage about this. It seems comically violative of online and consumer freedom to be able to suppress entire websites and applications with a single court petition over a copyright claim.
Do they think they’ll be the first people to actually stop piracy? Most people don’t even do it anymore because it’s easier to just pay $5-10 a month or whatever it is now.
Yeah it's not convenient at all. There's 11 of them. I didn't mind subscribing to Netflix for a while. I used to get the DVDs and watch them, and it beat going to Blockbuster. I found out that something is on FX, and even though I pay for "cable" which gets FX, I can't watch it.
These streaming groups should just make a joint streaming platform at 40$ a month or something, then people will just buy it. But if there is 6 streaming platforms out there and people have to pay for each one to see 1 or 2 shows, that's how piracy prosper.
What is this, a jpg for ants!? Come on OP, at least try.
Here's the bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/791
As described by Lofgren: https://lofgren.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-lofgren-introduces-targeted-legislation-combat-foreign-online-piracy
archive: https://archive.is/innq8
Looks like it's a back door for a great firewall. Definitely not good, we'll see if it gains any traction.
I'm unsurprised, here's hoping there's some vocal outrage about this. It seems comically violative of online and consumer freedom to be able to suppress entire websites and applications with a single court petition over a copyright claim.
She represents Silicon Valley. And not in the same way the rest of them do.
In the UK the courts just abuse some copyright laws to do the same.
Are the pointy hatted tribes represented somewhere?
Do they think they’ll be the first people to actually stop piracy? Most people don’t even do it anymore because it’s easier to just pay $5-10 a month or whatever it is now.
Welp piracy is regaining momentum because now eveyone and their mother has a streaming service and asking 15-20$ each
Yeah it's not convenient at all. There's 11 of them. I didn't mind subscribing to Netflix for a while. I used to get the DVDs and watch them, and it beat going to Blockbuster. I found out that something is on FX, and even though I pay for "cable" which gets FX, I can't watch it.
Also the services are shitty.
I've yet to encounter a streaming service that matches the quality of ye olde fansubs of the early 2000s.
I’m happy it still exists as a safeguard then. Digital distribution practices are a little silly.
That is what it is meant on the surface, but at the root, it is meant to set precedent for more censorious bullshit.
They don't want to stop piracy, they failed to capture japan for the most part, so this is the best next thing.
If you want official anime/manga, you'll have to pay the lolcowlizers and the leech distributors
I think they imagine that they will be able to fucking do the internet version of american interventionism regarding pirate sites.
They can block access to VPNs, most people cant get around that.
"Let's suppress and block the things people like, that we also do not want to provide a legal means of getting, thanks to Visa and Mastercard."
All I heard was the beginning of the end of your political career, Zoe Lofgren.
It's amazing that worthless copyright faggotry is treated more seriously than fentanyl.
Copyright needs to go back to a 20 year hard moratorium. And it's halved if it transfers.
Unfortunately, that's true for the rest of the world as well. It certainly is of the EU.
Yeah, good luck with that...
How are you going to kill piracy when I have a VPN you faggots?
Which is why we must oppose them.
These streaming groups should just make a joint streaming platform at 40$ a month or something, then people will just buy it. But if there is 6 streaming platforms out there and people have to pay for each one to see 1 or 2 shows, that's how piracy prosper.
Hoooobooy, do you need to see what JAPAN'S anti-piracy laws are like......
I remember when they thought they could stop piracy by shutting down Napster. I imagine this will go about as well.