It's a Komvux school, which serves retarded adult students (yes, many goatfuckers are clinically retarded, that's a fact)
15 injured and unknown number of dead.
Shooter shot himself
None of the first responders has been injured, which means this must have been a very short event as the firestation is literally across the highway.
Yes, reports of fire too, who noose, the shooter might have set himself on fire too because it's unlikely a fire would start during a school shooting.
~10 dead confirmed, none identified, nobody under 18 years old.
Six confirmed injured, four have been treated at the hospital and will recover.
Cops just confirmed, no cop, EMT or fireman have been injured.
Shooter is dead, cause of death still unkonwn.
Shooter is a man/person of "unknown" ethnicity at around age 35, not previously known by the cops, not identified, no motive discovered. Pending investigation.
Fake news media have spent much of the afternoon harassing random people who they think have connections to the suspect.
Apparently the gun was legally purchased (not confirmed), he had a loicense. Could this be a false flag by the anti-gun lobby to further restrict gun ownership for law abiding citizens? Would make perfect sense to attack a Komvux school then, nothing of value being lost, just many tragic causalities because it was retarded people getting shot.
Looks like that might be the case, the very first point the media started to scream about was muh "assault weapon". What type of weapon he used is yet to be confirmed, but it was indeed some sort of automatic rifle. AR15, AK47, AK4 or similar. The video footage is very blurry and has shitty audio quality.
Most likely the case yes, ironically it's much easier to get a license for those. A small handgun would be the hardest to get a loicense for in Sweden, so you might as well go full automatic. It's good on the range, it's good for war, it's good for defense and even hunting since it was legalized a few years ago.
Although nothing has yet been confirmed. 100% sure it wasn't a revolver or pistol tho judging from the sound. Too many shots fired in the amount of time.
Sweden actually has competitive SMG shoots and private ownership.
But the cops have been trying to kill it for years. Clubs get shut down, denied club weapons for beginners to use and they sell subguns for around 100 USD just because almost no one can get the paperwork approved.
In this case it seems to be just a regular "scary black" hunting rifle though.
Turns out to be a loner white guy in his mid 30s.
Lefties are salivating at it, and all the talk about socio-economic differences, cramped living and lack of social activities used to explain why the migrants kill is out the window.
Now it's the evil racist white men on the internets fault.
Yep, just saw the news. As I predicted in many former posts, a lone wolf. No motive, guy was just lonely, with mental problems and plenty of guns. This is a genuine problem in the north which used to be addressed more in the past, nowadays it's like they stopped giving a fuck about mental health as if it doesn't matter. At least not for White men.
Respect to the police for resisting all forms of speculation despite fake news medias and pathetic leftists attempts to associate this with natzees. I also noticed how the controlled opposition suddenly wen't very silent too, they, just like the left were screaming muh muslim.
Fuck the doomers too for their bullshit claims about the whole country suddenly being unsafe due to some random threat that doesn't exist. It's mental illness, and a sense of hopelessness. Sometimes it's ideologically motivated. There's no reason to isolate and live in fear, in fact, such destructive behavior is often the cause of this form of mental problems in the first place.
And fuck the anti-gun lobby too who will use this as an excuse to restrict guns further.
“Clearly it was a lone wolf attack by a disparaged minority who is a victim of the racist European patriarchy. Even assuming the perpetrator yelled “Allahu Akbar” doesn’t make it a religious attack or anything involving Islam, Muslims are a peaceful people with a deep historical background unlike the Swedes who have no real culture or history. It’s disgusting that neo Nazis like yourself keep perpetuating these Islamophobic and racist narratives just because some people did some things.”
What percentage of Americans voted for neocon warmongers in 2012? I'm sure you can empathize with the fact that phony democracies don't give you an actual choice.
Also, Sweden has a government supported by the 'far-right' (i.e. sane) party.
Most of them? If you ignore neocon, and realize Obama was a leftist warmonger
Nearly all (maybe I should have said 2004), and while Obama wasn't as bad as he could have been, he sponsored coups in Ukraine and civil wars in Syria. Neocons rarely got what they didn't want.
Point is, you don't have a choice. They are good at manipulating people.
So voting is fake and gay to everyone.
Even those who do not think it's fake and gay aren't immune to the process of manufacturing consent and "the other guy is slightly worse". I'd understand it if you'd say the same thing about the US, but saying this just about Europe is ridiculous.
And yet none of you sack up and do something.
If you have solutions, feel free to offer them. I'll remind you that no American did anything during the past 4 years, or the 8 years of Obama that they claimed was an abject Hitlerian tyranny, even though they have guns and we do not. I have no intention of both getting myself killed, achieving nothing except to give the regime more excuses to crack down on its opponents.
The left are a bunch of traitors, they abandoned their own policy just to bend over for the green. The green doesn't even have enough votes to get into parliament, which is obvious because their whole program is all about destroying the power grid and flood our countries with illegals. It's jews and other enemies of the White race voting green.
At least they too woke up few years ago, realizing what sort of demonic evil the green represents. But it's gonna take time to recover from the damage they have done. Even longer for the US.
It is true that a lot of people vote for leftists but judging by UK, they've constantly voted for the party claiming to "tackle immigration" only to be kicked in the nuts and have record immigration anyway.
How many of the parties that get "voted for" actually campaign on increasing immigration? They burry this under other things and any party that was against immigration was considered racist. The "racism" tag has been an incredibly efficient cudgel against Europe. It has now lost a lot of its power and why we're seeing some anti-immigration parties growing. But man was it hard to convince people that being labeled a "racist" by the media is a badge of honor this days.
I see both sides of this. I can't be mad at someone dunking on them, but I also feel real sympathy for them because I know they've been gaslit to the gills.
All those liberal white women would be goose stepping tomorrow if it were the accepted culture.
The ones who deserve to be dunked on the most are probably boomer men for pretending that women are equal to men and all that "happy wife, happy life" bullshit.
Says the libtarded losers, Sweden has about the same gun ownership as the US. Explosives are even easier to come by. What we have less of is diversity and mental illness.
What was the cause? Climate change or toxic masculinity?
Unknown cause, but here's what we know so far:
False flag to overturn the recent legalisation of AR15 and other scary guns for hunting.
Looks like that might be the case, the very first point the media started to scream about was muh "assault weapon". What type of weapon he used is yet to be confirmed, but it was indeed some sort of automatic rifle. AR15, AK47, AK4 or similar. The video footage is very blurry and has shitty audio quality.
He used full auto? By default I assume "typo" when I read that so just checking.
Most likely the case yes, ironically it's much easier to get a license for those. A small handgun would be the hardest to get a loicense for in Sweden, so you might as well go full automatic. It's good on the range, it's good for war, it's good for defense and even hunting since it was legalized a few years ago.
Although nothing has yet been confirmed. 100% sure it wasn't a revolver or pistol tho judging from the sound. Too many shots fired in the amount of time.
Sweden actually has competitive SMG shoots and private ownership. But the cops have been trying to kill it for years. Clubs get shut down, denied club weapons for beginners to use and they sell subguns for around 100 USD just because almost no one can get the paperwork approved.
In this case it seems to be just a regular "scary black" hunting rifle though.
Interesting. Thanks.
Turns out to be a loner white guy in his mid 30s. Lefties are salivating at it, and all the talk about socio-economic differences, cramped living and lack of social activities used to explain why the migrants kill is out the window. Now it's the evil racist white men on the internets fault.
Yep, just saw the news. As I predicted in many former posts, a lone wolf. No motive, guy was just lonely, with mental problems and plenty of guns. This is a genuine problem in the north which used to be addressed more in the past, nowadays it's like they stopped giving a fuck about mental health as if it doesn't matter. At least not for White men.
Respect to the police for resisting all forms of speculation despite fake news medias and pathetic leftists attempts to associate this with natzees. I also noticed how the controlled opposition suddenly wen't very silent too, they, just like the left were screaming muh muslim.
Fuck the doomers too for their bullshit claims about the whole country suddenly being unsafe due to some random threat that doesn't exist. It's mental illness, and a sense of hopelessness. Sometimes it's ideologically motivated. There's no reason to isolate and live in fear, in fact, such destructive behavior is often the cause of this form of mental problems in the first place.
And fuck the anti-gun lobby too who will use this as an excuse to restrict guns further.
“Clearly it was a lone wolf attack by a disparaged minority who is a victim of the racist European patriarchy. Even assuming the perpetrator yelled “Allahu Akbar” doesn’t make it a religious attack or anything involving Islam, Muslims are a peaceful people with a deep historical background unlike the Swedes who have no real culture or history. It’s disgusting that neo Nazis like yourself keep perpetuating these Islamophobic and racist narratives just because some people did some things.”
How did I do?
7/10 - not anti-white enough, needs something about slavery and how Sweden was always arab on top of not integrating arabs enough
Needs the "we'll put diversity classes in every school, and send adults to re education classes, along with more gibs for the invaders"
you also forgot to add blacks, because blacks.
Well, we know it wasn't guns because that's illegal.
NRA, 2A and us gun laws probably
We don't have to live like this.
Europe chose this.
Nobody voted for this.
Yeah, it's weird how the majority keeps voting for leftists who import the third world.
But you're right, they totally didn't vote. Or it didn't count. Or something. Anything to avoid personal responsibility
What percentage of Americans voted for neocon warmongers in 2012? I'm sure you can empathize with the fact that phony democracies don't give you an actual choice.
Also, Sweden has a government supported by the 'far-right' (i.e. sane) party.
Most of them? If you ignore neocon, and realize Obama was a leftist warmonger
If you stick with neocon, about half of the voters did.
So voting is fake and gay to everyone. And yet none of you sack up and do something.
Nearly all (maybe I should have said 2004), and while Obama wasn't as bad as he could have been, he sponsored coups in Ukraine and civil wars in Syria. Neocons rarely got what they didn't want.
Point is, you don't have a choice. They are good at manipulating people.
Even those who do not think it's fake and gay aren't immune to the process of manufacturing consent and "the other guy is slightly worse". I'd understand it if you'd say the same thing about the US, but saying this just about Europe is ridiculous.
If you have solutions, feel free to offer them. I'll remind you that no American did anything during the past 4 years, or the 8 years of Obama that they claimed was an abject Hitlerian tyranny, even though they have guns and we do not. I have no intention of both getting myself killed, achieving nothing except to give the regime more excuses to crack down on its opponents.
The left are a bunch of traitors, they abandoned their own policy just to bend over for the green. The green doesn't even have enough votes to get into parliament, which is obvious because their whole program is all about destroying the power grid and flood our countries with illegals. It's jews and other enemies of the White race voting green.
At least they too woke up few years ago, realizing what sort of demonic evil the green represents. But it's gonna take time to recover from the damage they have done. Even longer for the US.
That was a quick descent into "muh jews". Go back to conpro faggot.
It is true that a lot of people vote for leftists but judging by UK, they've constantly voted for the party claiming to "tackle immigration" only to be kicked in the nuts and have record immigration anyway.
How many of the parties that get "voted for" actually campaign on increasing immigration? They burry this under other things and any party that was against immigration was considered racist. The "racism" tag has been an incredibly efficient cudgel against Europe. It has now lost a lot of its power and why we're seeing some anti-immigration parties growing. But man was it hard to convince people that being labeled a "racist" by the media is a badge of honor this days.
Why do you hate White people?
Why can't you guys acknowledge white people voted to replace themselves too? It's insane.
I see both sides of this. I can't be mad at someone dunking on them, but I also feel real sympathy for them because I know they've been gaslit to the gills.
All those liberal white women would be goose stepping tomorrow if it were the accepted culture.
The ones who deserve to be dunked on the most are probably boomer men for pretending that women are equal to men and all that "happy wife, happy life" bullshit.
Ban assault swedes!
Älåha Snäckebår!
My brain tried to pronounce that...
Ehloha Snehkbohr?
But there are no guns in sweden
Says the libtarded losers, Sweden has about the same gun ownership as the US. Explosives are even easier to come by. What we have less of is diversity and mental illness.
Wheres that one poster on this board who is in a cult in Sweden when you need him?
If only there was some pattern we could discover to enable us to deter and even prevent crime like this.
If only...
In the meantime, Sweden Yes!
We CAN prevent it. Send them all back to Palestine.