Reddit tier logic never fails to amuse. This is as funny as a website I saw that tried to sway Catholics to vote for Hillary by saying renewable energy was a higher priority to Jesus than abortion 😂😂😂.
The thing that scares me is how divided the Catholic vote is, and how much apologetics they run through regarding the Pope.
Like, Fucking hell, he allowed Notre Dam to burn down and said nothing when the Canadian government supported a Red Terror campaign against Catholics.
At what point do you fucking schizm? From the child-rape, to the Islamification of Europe & the church, to the gay sex scandals, and the apologetics for terrorism... at what point are Catholics actually going to have enough of this shit?
Don’t forget the FBI targeting Catholics under the “catholic” Biden. There’s a reason Greek orthodoxy is getting a massive revival right now and it has everything to do with the incompetent, weak, anti Christian rhetoric from the supposed leaders of Christianity. Hell the only thing the Catholic Church has done in the past decade is profit off illegal immigration and make an anime priestess.
Yeah, it's interesting because the US was never an Eastern Christian country, but since mass migration in the early 20th century from Eastern Europe, there's been a lot of those churches that have held themselves together.
I feel like the next Great Awakening Movement is going to include a surprise surge in the Greek Orthodox church, not just Amero-Protestant Folkway religions.
Overall, I'm not sure what that means politically because Greek Orthodoxy has never operated in a truly Liberal environment. However, I think America is actually a natural fit for them because (unlike the Mongols, Soviets, Cossacks, and Ottomans) there basically no chance they will experience significant oppression or conflict. Obviously, the perfect fit is Protestantism and Revivalism, but the Eastern Orthodox church's desire to separate themselves from political power still fits well enough.
There’s at least one by me I’ve gone to occasionally because who wouldn’t want to go to a bake sale with some grandmas baklavas and Greek meat pies. What I find interesting is that the heavily Catholic Slavic peoples (poles/hungarians/ Czech) all venerate Saints Cyril and Methodius who were Greek Orthodox because they brought the precursor language for Cyrillic. Makes we wonder how much longer they’ll put up with a rogue Catholic Church.
Hopefully they'll put up with it shorter than the Catholics themselves.
Michael Knowles having to run apologetics for a Communist pope is embarrassing. At least with Protestants you can go: "Obviously the pope is a retarded communist."
At least with Protestants you can go: "Obviously the pope is a retarded communist."
My go to whenever I heard Catholics complain about the Pope doing anything is "Dont cry at me. My ancestors shot their way out of having to care what he thinks."
On that note though, you are seeing (at least in the US) signs that the religious aspect is not actually going away but is changing. Because studies show that the average American still practices and believes what would be seen as Christian ideals, but their trust in churches are declining. Which implies that we may see new Protestant doctrines pop up to fill the void that this data implies or people go to existing ones (like you said, Great Awakening style).
We were also considering the idea of the next Great Awakening will include a large surge in the Greek Orthodox church, rather than the Western Catholic church.
"which I hate by the way because fuck my religious upbringing." and it it was honest "I am a child that is having a tantrum because my parents didn't want me to live a hedonistic life" .
I thought the link was going to be to the "I don't believe in Christian principles but you do so I'm going to use them against you to manipulate you against your own interests" meme.
"If you do not own a sword, sell your cloak and buy one", not "If you do not own a sword, good, the state should control the means of production and the consolidation of force".
Honestly I think atheism actually works pretty well with Jesus's teachings regarding responsibility, discipline, moral courage, and opposition to corrupting authority.
It's not too wrong. The issue is that "Christian Nationalism" isn't really MAGA because it's not even a remotely similar concept to how it's being re-defined as. Capitalism is just a anti-jewish Marxist slur so that doesn't really mean anything.
What we are actually seeing is ideologically captured Christianity working hand in hand with corporate oligarchy to engage in demoralization and human trafficking. Then, all of the sudden, I'm standing around with a bunch of Christians who despise their church because the idiot pastor wants to be inclusive and won't take the Rainbow Flag down.
Meanwhile the Atheism+ faggots managed to never deconvert from religion at all, and instead began worshiping George Floyd and Dr. Fauci. If you're gonna make me pick I'm gonna go with the carpenter, not the gang-banger or the narcissist.
Reddit tier logic never fails to amuse. This is as funny as a website I saw that tried to sway Catholics to vote for Hillary by saying renewable energy was a higher priority to Jesus than abortion 😂😂😂.
The thing that scares me is how divided the Catholic vote is, and how much apologetics they run through regarding the Pope.
Like, Fucking hell, he allowed Notre Dam to burn down and said nothing when the Canadian government supported a Red Terror campaign against Catholics.
At what point do you fucking schizm? From the child-rape, to the Islamification of Europe & the church, to the gay sex scandals, and the apologetics for terrorism... at what point are Catholics actually going to have enough of this shit?
Don’t forget the FBI targeting Catholics under the “catholic” Biden. There’s a reason Greek orthodoxy is getting a massive revival right now and it has everything to do with the incompetent, weak, anti Christian rhetoric from the supposed leaders of Christianity. Hell the only thing the Catholic Church has done in the past decade is profit off illegal immigration and make an anime priestess.
Yeah, it's interesting because the US was never an Eastern Christian country, but since mass migration in the early 20th century from Eastern Europe, there's been a lot of those churches that have held themselves together.
I feel like the next Great Awakening Movement is going to include a surprise surge in the Greek Orthodox church, not just Amero-Protestant Folkway religions.
Overall, I'm not sure what that means politically because Greek Orthodoxy has never operated in a truly Liberal environment. However, I think America is actually a natural fit for them because (unlike the Mongols, Soviets, Cossacks, and Ottomans) there basically no chance they will experience significant oppression or conflict. Obviously, the perfect fit is Protestantism and Revivalism, but the Eastern Orthodox church's desire to separate themselves from political power still fits well enough.
There’s at least one by me I’ve gone to occasionally because who wouldn’t want to go to a bake sale with some grandmas baklavas and Greek meat pies. What I find interesting is that the heavily Catholic Slavic peoples (poles/hungarians/ Czech) all venerate Saints Cyril and Methodius who were Greek Orthodox because they brought the precursor language for Cyrillic. Makes we wonder how much longer they’ll put up with a rogue Catholic Church.
Hopefully they'll put up with it shorter than the Catholics themselves.
Michael Knowles having to run apologetics for a Communist pope is embarrassing. At least with Protestants you can go: "Obviously the pope is a retarded communist."
My go to whenever I heard Catholics complain about the Pope doing anything is "Dont cry at me. My ancestors shot their way out of having to care what he thinks."
On that note though, you are seeing (at least in the US) signs that the religious aspect is not actually going away but is changing. Because studies show that the average American still practices and believes what would be seen as Christian ideals, but their trust in churches are declining. Which implies that we may see new Protestant doctrines pop up to fill the void that this data implies or people go to existing ones (like you said, Great Awakening style).
I basically said this to Ahaus just yesterday.
We were also considering the idea of the next Great Awakening will include a large surge in the Greek Orthodox church, rather than the Western Catholic church.
Just troll them by agreeing and asking where you can find more comics drawn by the same artist.
That would be fun.
It's especially funny how the URL is masked out.
They usually replace it with stonetossisanazi
"Let me tell you about your religion"
"which I hate by the way because fuck my religious upbringing." and it it was honest "I am a child that is having a tantrum because my parents didn't want me to live a hedonistic life" .
Devil's advocate... Islamists are pretty fucking head in the sand about Mohammad and his zany escapades. Practitioners can absolutely "lose the plot."
Something something judge not, love your neighbor as yourself (which means pro abortion, illegal immigration and forcing vaccines).
You forgot give degenerate men in women clothes access to kids.
Yeah, it's way, way too early in the morning for anti-Christian Zionist agitprop, dude. 🤣
I rebuke this "meme" with THIS and THIS.
There is an order to things, and that proper order is crucial.
I thought the link was going to be to the "I don't believe in Christian principles but you do so I'm going to use them against you to manipulate you against your own interests" meme.
"Jesus' Teachings" implies actually doing the shit yourself.
Hey Jesus said to love your neighbor so clearly that means every left wing policy is biblically based
Rioting and destroying stuff is allowed because he did that once.
Uhhh, Jesus was a capitalist. He made and sold furniture. Jesus' Teachings is probably a Mexican named Jesus.
"If you do not own a sword, sell your cloak and buy one", not "If you do not own a sword, good, the state should control the means of production and the consolidation of force".
Jesus would sell tacos.
Ah, yes. The "Jesus was a marxist" rethoric
Jesus' teaching: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind." (Matthew 22:37)
Yeah, atheists TOTALLY toe the line for Jesus.....
Post Reported for:
What? This is criticism of a meme.
Thank you.
No problem!
Honestly I think atheism actually works pretty well with Jesus's teachings regarding responsibility, discipline, moral courage, and opposition to corrupting authority.
It's not too wrong. The issue is that "Christian Nationalism" isn't really MAGA because it's not even a remotely similar concept to how it's being re-defined as. Capitalism is just a anti-jewish Marxist slur so that doesn't really mean anything.
What we are actually seeing is ideologically captured Christianity working hand in hand with corporate oligarchy to engage in demoralization and human trafficking. Then, all of the sudden, I'm standing around with a bunch of Christians who despise their church because the idiot pastor wants to be inclusive and won't take the Rainbow Flag down.
Meanwhile the Atheism+ faggots managed to never deconvert from religion at all, and instead began worshiping George Floyd and Dr. Fauci. If you're gonna make me pick I'm gonna go with the carpenter, not the gang-banger or the narcissist.