Tom knows that "whose immigration status is not yet at the point they're trying to get it to" could mean legal green card holder seeking citizenship.
This guy can't be prosecuted based on this public statement. Even if they get evidence, the optics of prosecuting a politician for harboring one illegal in their own house is really bad. Any prosecution must be over their policy not their private actions or it'll be a political disaster.
These are the kinds of traps they set, Tom goes off on him then they say "crazy Tom is going after legal immigrants now!"
Always leave an opening for your enemy to do the right thing and save everyone a lot of unnecessary pain. If they still refuse, you don't hold back because it'll be completely on them.
Don't care. Doesn't matter. If anyone else had said it, would the cops say, "Oh, maybe he's just bluffing?"
They would snatch that opportunity to send SWAT through your door so fucking fast. But he's the governor, so they chuckle and have it off. "We'll look into it." Again, Biden sent the FBI to harass Trump in his home when Biden also had classified material in his own home after leaving Office.
Where the fuck is the retribution we were promised?
He was asked a direct question and he's giving you a direct answer.
He's probably pretty busy doing his job and not chasing down every bullshit lead that some faggot governor happens to drop in a gay conference somewhere.
Which do you care about? The law? Or homosexual PR so you can feel better about things?
Calm down. Calling Tom Homan a Cuckservative, who is the only one who has successfully started engaging in mass deportations, is evidence that you're not looking at the world around you.
I didn't say Homan specifically. Obviously, he has a boss too. But it is typical of Republicans to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER go on the offensive. We're only ever allowed to play defense. We only ever REACT to the Left, meaning they always get to make the first move, they always get to set the tone, they always set the agenda, and we only react. They follow, we lead. That's why we have Cuckservatives, and that's why the Overton window was able to slide this far Left over that last 15 years. They'll push back, but they NEVER take a proper swing at them.
Correct, and, I think people conflate the Rs in office with R voters.
Obviously, most R voters fucking HATE that their "representatives" don't actually represent them once they get into office. We aren't happy with the situation.
Again with the political theater? Stop talking to the press and fucking do something about it!
Biden sent the FBI crashing through the gates of Mar-a-Lago. No warning, no bluffing, no reservations.
Typical Cuckservatives, always seeking permission to do the right thing. Just do it already!
I believe it’s more in hopes he’d just stop it silently before wasting double tax payer funds to have the state prosecute itself.
Huh? This shouldn't be about money. We didn't vote for Trump to pinch pennies.
We voted for him to eat alive and shit out the enemies of the American People. Like this guy.
Tom knows that "whose immigration status is not yet at the point they're trying to get it to" could mean legal green card holder seeking citizenship.
This guy can't be prosecuted based on this public statement. Even if they get evidence, the optics of prosecuting a politician for harboring one illegal in their own house is really bad. Any prosecution must be over their policy not their private actions or it'll be a political disaster.
These are the kinds of traps they set, Tom goes off on him then they say "crazy Tom is going after legal immigrants now!"
Always leave an opening for your enemy to do the right thing and save everyone a lot of unnecessary pain. If they still refuse, you don't hold back because it'll be completely on them.
A virtue signalling Democrat will say and do anything to look virtuous. He may just be 'bluffing' as Homan said.
Don't care. Doesn't matter. If anyone else had said it, would the cops say, "Oh, maybe he's just bluffing?"
They would snatch that opportunity to send SWAT through your door so fucking fast. But he's the governor, so they chuckle and have it off. "We'll look into it." Again, Biden sent the FBI to harass Trump in his home when Biden also had classified material in his own home after leaving Office.
Where the fuck is the retribution we were promised?
An investigation requires time.
Sure. For example, GO THERE and see if anyone is living above the garage like he said.
That would be a good place to start an investigation, not speaking to the press.
The press brought it to his attention.
He was asked a direct question and he's giving you a direct answer.
He's probably pretty busy doing his job and not chasing down every bullshit lead that some faggot governor happens to drop in a gay conference somewhere.
Which do you care about? The law? Or homosexual PR so you can feel better about things?
Calm down. Calling Tom Homan a Cuckservative, who is the only one who has successfully started engaging in mass deportations, is evidence that you're not looking at the world around you.
I didn't say Homan specifically. Obviously, he has a boss too. But it is typical of Republicans to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER go on the offensive. We're only ever allowed to play defense. We only ever REACT to the Left, meaning they always get to make the first move, they always get to set the tone, they always set the agenda, and we only react. They follow, we lead. That's why we have Cuckservatives, and that's why the Overton window was able to slide this far Left over that last 15 years. They'll push back, but they NEVER take a proper swing at them.
Again, calm down. You are literally living in one of the few times that Republicans have gone on the offensive.
Correct, and, I think people conflate the Rs in office with R voters. Obviously, most R voters fucking HATE that their "representatives" don't actually represent them once they get into office. We aren't happy with the situation.
At the very least they should do a wellness check on whoever he has locked in his garage. Those missing 300K children have to be somewhere.
"May be", "Prepared to"...
Let me know when something happens, because Nothing Ever Happens.
Please god fuck Murphy over. All he does is make shit harder for me.