If there's a big song and dance on 'player choice' whether you make Henry a faggot, then there ought to be a similar choice in whether you have Henry help the jews or aid in bringing them to justice. There was that one mission in the first game where an inquisitor is hunting heretics and asks you to spy on a family that believes in some reformation sect of Christianity, and you can either report back to the inquisitor on what you see, lie to him giving the family a chance to flee, or just straight up murder him to help the family. I'll be pleasantly surprised if you can just walk up to a rabbi and shoot him in the face with a crossbow.
If there's a big song and dance on 'player choice' whether you make Henry a faggot, then there ought to be a similar choice in whether you have Henry help the jews or aid in bringing them to justice
If Henry can help with the pogrom, that would flip this game into the most right wing title ever to release
Why call them Roma? They would be gypses back then? or probably something else but definitely not Roma. Roma is a term pushed by the EU in order to "help integrate".
It made me curious how they integrated Roma in to this. was watching a video on youtube about it and a lot of them fought on the side of the Turks/Ottoman invaders. There is one thing to say you bought slaves and another thing to come to try to conquer and then ending up a slave.
Also I assume they're going to portray gypses as poor innocent victims despite being able to objectively observe their "culture" today.
A little bit. Millers were often hated by the common folk and called thieves - not because they were robbers or fenced stolen goods, but because they were often suspected (or really did) of stealing people's grain and keeping more than the agreed upon amount of wheat.
Funny thing, I had a teacher that used to work with some gypsies and he told me that if he was to call them Roma they would have punched him. Not everyone was happy with the "rebranding".
That's a double negative, therefore KCD2 is a woke game.
If there's a big song and dance on 'player choice' whether you make Henry a faggot, then there ought to be a similar choice in whether you have Henry help the jews or aid in bringing them to justice. There was that one mission in the first game where an inquisitor is hunting heretics and asks you to spy on a family that believes in some reformation sect of Christianity, and you can either report back to the inquisitor on what you see, lie to him giving the family a chance to flee, or just straight up murder him to help the family. I'll be pleasantly surprised if you can just walk up to a rabbi and shoot him in the face with a crossbow.
as if these jewish developers allow us to harm the "chosen people" of Kutna Hora
but i'll find out soon enough, the release is almost upon us
If Henry can help with the pogrom, that would flip this game into the most right wing title ever to release
Why call them Roma? They would be gypses back then? or probably something else but definitely not Roma. Roma is a term pushed by the EU in order to "help integrate".
It made me curious how they integrated Roma in to this. was watching a video on youtube about it and a lot of them fought on the side of the Turks/Ottoman invaders. There is one thing to say you bought slaves and another thing to come to try to conquer and then ending up a slave.
Also I assume they're going to portray gypses as poor innocent victims despite being able to objectively observe their "culture" today.
Exactly, and they're still gypsies today. Roma is a tomato.
If you let the enemy control the language you use, then you've already lost.
from what i've seen, the "nomad camps" (gypsy camps) are the places where you dump your stolen goods and stolen horses
i dunno who has the essential tag on, but the random gypsies in the camp can be killed.
That makes a lot more sense than millers being the network of thieves. Was that based on any historic precentant?
A little bit. Millers were often hated by the common folk and called thieves - not because they were robbers or fenced stolen goods, but because they were often suspected (or really did) of stealing people's grain and keeping more than the agreed upon amount of wheat.
Here's a machine-translated article talking about it: https://cesky-radio-cz.translate.goog/v-cesku-mame-zkresleny-pohled-na-mlynare-8726089?_x_tr_sl=cs&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Apparently "Gypsy" is a slur word in most online games you can get banned for that 🤔
Funny thing, I had a teacher that used to work with some gypsies and he told me that if he was to call them Roma they would have punched him. Not everyone was happy with the "rebranding".
Can I take part in the jewish pogrom?
... in KCD2?
(That's a joke, DildoOfMessalina)
This, but I'm not joking.
... in KCD2!!!
I don't think even Based mods can fix this...
This is another case of RDR2, beautiful engine and physics, but the story is pozzed hard
It's woke af whoever says it's anti woke is brain dead or trolling