I mean they have a history of turning deserts into gardens and bread baskets with how good they are at farming.
It's one of the reasons Russia was welcoming to any of them settling there, I don't know about Europe but the American Midwest might benefit from their expertise to reduce the size of the dustbowl.
OK that's a good attitude to have - educate yourself on the topic and consider your position further. As to the principle you were arguing from, it's unclear to me, but ypu may like to reflext on the fact that White people have been conquering, settling, civilising and building societies across the world for hundreds of years. It is known as Western Civilisation. You benefit from it directly, so your principle, as you referred to it, is at best hypocritical.
"But muh white flight!
Now stay still whitey while we murder you and your family and take your farms we don't know how to run!"
It's also funny how that applies to inner cities.
"just stay around people that dindu you and rape your wife and kids, and you'll like it"
"nooooo why are you leaving, that's racist"
And then, many years after real estate prices crash, "nooooo, why are you coming back, gentrification is racist!"
"nooooo you can't just make this area safer by pricing out section 8 housing and dindus, that's racist"
"nooooo you can't lock up merchandise to stop theft because that's racist"
I mean they have a history of turning deserts into gardens and bread baskets with how good they are at farming.
It's one of the reasons Russia was welcoming to any of them settling there, I don't know about Europe but the American Midwest might benefit from their expertise to reduce the size of the dustbowl.
Dustbowl was only in the 30s, dude. We know about using windbreaks to protect topsoil now.
What I mean is America surprisingly has a lot of land and even entire towns that are under utilised and even abandoned.
If those could be turned into productive farming areas that would be of benefit.
Ah. Yeah, the Boers could definitely fix that.
We should be running arms to white SA; belt feds, mortars, rifles, and all the ammo they can take. Drones for surveillance, too.
Don't forget armoured cars.
If I could, I'd provide loitering munitions, soldiers and power grid systems too.
Will he do anything about it?
Considering he supports jeets over whites in this country I doubt it.
Do you want people to call him racist? Of course not
South Africans are unfortunately pretty heavily brainwashed into woke pro migration propaganda
What’s going on with Papua New Guinea?
Zimbabwe made a law that forbid white people to own land.
2 years later they were starving and asking for food aids...
If they were not an inferior specie they would have figured out how to get clear drinkable water by the year 2024, only 6 thousands years later...
Instead they still drink dirt and die shitting where they drink.
Australia should have done this years ago.
White people have no business being in South Africa.
Uneducated comment. Research the Boers. Particularly the Boer War.
True, I'm not well versed in the history of South Africa. I will look into the Boer wars. I was arguing from principle.
OK that's a good attitude to have - educate yourself on the topic and consider your position further. As to the principle you were arguing from, it's unclear to me, but ypu may like to reflext on the fact that White people have been conquering, settling, civilising and building societies across the world for hundreds of years. It is known as Western Civilisation. You benefit from it directly, so your principle, as you referred to it, is at best hypocritical.
Also see the other comments below mine...
White people literally built South Africa. The cape was mostly empty wasteland before.
the nation of south africa was created entirely by and for white european settlers. all the blacks showed up later and demanded a seat at the table.