I make it a point to disbelieve all women about rape on principle, especially ones like this that are both ridiculously over indulgent and filled with chances they clearly could have stopped it.
And if you read the story she either the most retarded person alive or (the obvious option) she was involved in weird kinky sex with a rich, famous guy who she thought she was going to convince to leave his wife for her through the power of pussy and being submissive/agreeable. And of course when that failed, suddenly the consent disappeared and the extravagant details got added to make him sound more evil.
Neil fostered not only a generation of women to be this stupid, but was overtly grooming them online for years on tumblr. He created this sword more directly than 99% of male feminists and now it hangs over him. So he can die by it. And his wife seemed to be gleefully helping recruit the dumbest whores possible for him.
No, this is a bad take. Don't allow the perpetuation of this foul system just because it's currently harming your foe. This lends legitimacy to all the other bullshit fake claims which need to be eradicated. I'd rather he simply be ruined by his earned reputation rather than by any court. I don't want anyone to be able to get railroaded through bullshit like this. If any of this was remotely true it should have resulted in criminal charges back when it was happening, not years after the fact when it's clearly opportunistic litigation in hopes of a fat payday.
Women will always have credence given to their claims because they are women and we have half a dozen instinctual systems built into us to give favor towards them. No amount of rational and deliberate pushing back will put this back in the bottle, that's completely naive to ever believe.
It will have to offend enough people, and especially enough powerful people, that the majority of everyone just quietly stops supporting it and pretends they never did, as is seen with the current shift going with troons. Which can only happen if we stop throwing ourselves to the wolves to defend people out of "principle" who won't reciprocate or change their views whatsoever. It'll have to get much worse to begin to get better, and trying to make it "better" just stabilizes it at roughly this point indefinitely because it can't go backwards.
But, everything after the "but" wasn't a call to action. Its was a call to complete inaction. He supported the system, he can be run through it. I will point out women are lying hoes anytime its brought up, and do nothing to further help or hurt him.
Women will always have credence given to their claims because they are women and we have half a dozen instinctual systems built into us to give favor towards them.
Which is exactly why the social branding of him is sufficient to destroy him entirely, even without the legal apparatus being activated. Said legal apparatus is evil and should not be supported. I guess I just don't believe that accelerationism is a net good on this issue and view attempts at it as simply entrenching the problem further.
Its was a call to complete inaction.
So long as we're not cheering on the forces of evil.
I guess I just don't believe that accelerationism is a net good on this issue and view attempts at it as simply entrenching the problem further.
Then we are at different perspectives on the issue. I understand your position, I was an MRA for decades and I stuck by similar for most of that. I am at my current place now because I've given up on such ideals as being achievable.
So long as we're not cheering on the forces of evil.
I'd never. These women are complete garbage and deserve to be laughed out of the building for bringing in that kind of weak shit.
But Neil alone is one of the most responsible for creating both this system and legions of women who are broken that way. I'll cheer him getting eaten by his own golem, and nothing more. If he came to me asking for help (he wouldn't), I'd give it but I won't go out of my way to fight for him.
Yeah, it really does look like his wife did all this stuff and he tagged along. Fame ruined his first marriage, so he looked for someone who could handle it, and got this. Not saying he didn't do stuff, but there was a path taken, and we see the markers.
I make it a point to disbelieve all women about rape on principle, especially ones like this that are both ridiculously over indulgent and filled with chances they clearly could have stopped it.
And if you read the story she either the most retarded person alive or (the obvious option) she was involved in weird kinky sex with a rich, famous guy who she thought she was going to convince to leave his wife for her through the power of pussy and being submissive/agreeable. And of course when that failed, suddenly the consent disappeared and the extravagant details got added to make him sound more evil.
Neil fostered not only a generation of women to be this stupid, but was overtly grooming them online for years on tumblr. He created this sword more directly than 99% of male feminists and now it hangs over him. So he can die by it. And his wife seemed to be gleefully helping recruit the dumbest whores possible for him.
No, this is a bad take. Don't allow the perpetuation of this foul system just because it's currently harming your foe. This lends legitimacy to all the other bullshit fake claims which need to be eradicated. I'd rather he simply be ruined by his earned reputation rather than by any court. I don't want anyone to be able to get railroaded through bullshit like this. If any of this was remotely true it should have resulted in criminal charges back when it was happening, not years after the fact when it's clearly opportunistic litigation in hopes of a fat payday.
Women will always have credence given to their claims because they are women and we have half a dozen instinctual systems built into us to give favor towards them. No amount of rational and deliberate pushing back will put this back in the bottle, that's completely naive to ever believe.
It will have to offend enough people, and especially enough powerful people, that the majority of everyone just quietly stops supporting it and pretends they never did, as is seen with the current shift going with troons. Which can only happen if we stop throwing ourselves to the wolves to defend people out of "principle" who won't reciprocate or change their views whatsoever. It'll have to get much worse to begin to get better, and trying to make it "better" just stabilizes it at roughly this point indefinitely because it can't go backwards.
But, everything after the "but" wasn't a call to action. Its was a call to complete inaction. He supported the system, he can be run through it. I will point out women are lying hoes anytime its brought up, and do nothing to further help or hurt him.
Which is exactly why the social branding of him is sufficient to destroy him entirely, even without the legal apparatus being activated. Said legal apparatus is evil and should not be supported. I guess I just don't believe that accelerationism is a net good on this issue and view attempts at it as simply entrenching the problem further.
So long as we're not cheering on the forces of evil.
Then we are at different perspectives on the issue. I understand your position, I was an MRA for decades and I stuck by similar for most of that. I am at my current place now because I've given up on such ideals as being achievable.
I'd never. These women are complete garbage and deserve to be laughed out of the building for bringing in that kind of weak shit.
But Neil alone is one of the most responsible for creating both this system and legions of women who are broken that way. I'll cheer him getting eaten by his own golem, and nothing more. If he came to me asking for help (he wouldn't), I'd give it but I won't go out of my way to fight for him.
Why does this keep happening to male feminists?
Because they never learn.
That Vulture article pretty much set this up.
Yeah, it really does look like his wife did all this stuff and he tagged along. Fame ruined his first marriage, so he looked for someone who could handle it, and got this. Not saying he didn't do stuff, but there was a path taken, and we see the markers.