American farmers are depicted by leftoids as uneducated, inbred hicks who would have no political power without electoral college (their words), yet in Africa they are depicted as a super powerful voting bloc which causes all of the problems in Africa despite not having electoral college.
Corruption? Caused by white people owning farms. Electric blackouts? Caused by white people owning farms. Degrading infrastructure? Caused by white people owning farms.
I watched a youtube video about Namibia (country next to South Africa) and even there the presenter bitched about whites owning farms for no reason despite the country doing much better than SA. I unsubbed from that faggot (RealLifeLore).
It’s called they hate White people and want all of us dead.
Yeah. It's really this simple. There arguments do t make sense. They just hate white people, Christians, and especially white Christians.
Compare this to women at universities.
When there are fewer women than men overall, they cry about that.
Now that women outnumber men 2-1, they are silent about that, and cry that there are 'not enough' women in math.
If there ever comes a time that women outnumber men 2-1 in math, they will cry that the Nobel committee is too biased because the top mathematicians are still men.
Think of leftism as ignoring everything that is stacked in favor of <insert mascot group> and focusing obsessively on the one part where Mascot isn't doing as well as others. This means that there is always something to complain about for them, and thus, to persuade the groups they supposedly represent to fall in line.
BTW, very good decision to unsubscribe from the faggot RealLifeLore. All videos I've seen by him are basically "Russia bad". How pompous can you get in your name while espousing establishment piety?
Yeah If they successfully confiscate all white land then their going to move goalposts to some other retarded metric where whites dominate and that new metric is definitely super important and not astroturfed at all.
Also I laughed out loud when RealLifeLore mentioned "right wing death squads" in a serious tone when talking about the Darien Gap.
Intersectionality is a successful rebranding of Marxist revolution.
Its such a good rebranding that most people don't even know the word and stick with the colloquial "Woke" to describe it, so it can continue to skirt by under notice.
Which helps the Lefties because people struggle to define "Woke" in simple terms (because its a meme word) when "Intersectionality" is both easy to define and apply in all the cases it shows up.
It's an easy goalpost move: "2.3rds of all graduates are women, but only half of nobel prize winners are women, clearly there is institutional sexisms until 2.3rds of Nobel winners are all women.
I was personally acquainted with the 2nd last female physics Laureate (via my ex-girlfriend). I wouldn't say she's dumb but... okay, I'd say she's dumb.
This is called a genocide. Look at what the Jewish bolsheviks did to the kulaks in Russia. It's the exact same play book, and one they've been trying desperately to use in the US and Europe.
Useless fucks always hate actual productive people. Farmers are usually productive people
Communists hate food.
Argumentum ad satanas. They serve the devil.
Like the creature they worship there is no lie they will not tell, no depravity they will not commit.
The word you're looking for is very simple. It's called intersectional feminism. They have a deep seething hatred of white men (a majority of farmers in ZA are white men) and will support any measure that will inflict pain and death.
Sure - liberal education. Aka white guilt, which has been going on for decades in US schools. To get any sort of high school diploma, let alone college degree as a white person you’ve had to bend the knee to wypipo caused slavery storyline.
It’s taken years for me to deprogram myself from it and have lost friends over it too.
This all goes back to the end of apartheid in the 90s (see also Lethal Weapon 2 - also another point of proof that Hollywood has been indoctrinating people for decades) when the leftist/communist westerners tried and succeeded in “liberating” the black Africans from the white Africans. Now the black Africans have setup an apartheid-style government again but this is (D)ifferent this time…
Leftists are sick, deranged people. It's not much deeper then that
Whites will continue to get punked until thet chimp out. Its gonna get worse as time goes on as they get less power and dei gets more.. more entrenched in banks and government. Globohomo.
The phrase you're looking for is "hostis humani generis".