Trump Acquisition.
Comments (7)
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He is a boomer. The very idea would fry his brain.
We had a good shot of this happening when Jose became the norm, but now Apu is flying in it might not happen after all.
Deport Apu.
Boomers support Israhell at a rate of about 80%, Millennials around half that, and Zoomers around half of that.
Young Adults' Views on Middle East Changing Most
The generation gap in opinions toward Israel
Why is support for Israel lower among Gen Z and millennials?
Progress is being made. No matter what ... just ... keep ... noticing!
Trump was installed to focus on the "Merger" side than the "Acquisition" side.
What type of dragon should it be
At first I misread this as Trump annexing Israel LOL
Zion Don doesn't bite the hand that feeds. He's not a nigger.