Tapping my 'if it's made by a pencil or pixels, I don't insert my morality on it only preference if I view it' sign again...
THIS is why everyone was extremely suspicious of Germany recently changing the punishments for CP possession because no matter what they say it's for, we don't trust authorities with that given that they'll put a higher priority of censoring fictional content to stopping ACTUAL child abuse.
Tapping my 'if it's made by a pencil or pixels, I don't insert my morality on it only preference if I view it' sign again...
THIS is why everyone was extremely suspicious of Germany recently changing the punishments for CP possession because no matter what they say it's for, we don't trust authorities with that given that they'll put a higher priority of censoring fictional content to stopping ACTUAL child abuse.
That's a bit wordy for a sign. Let's shorten it to "It's a drawing, dude."
Could "They're not real" work too?
Or would it result in a "but they look real to me" deadbrain rebuttal?
You'll end up with Aussie-type laws where if the adult pornstar's tits are too small it's "CP".