Graphical fidelity is becoming more and more of a crutch, compare how they made the Original Doom and used graphic shortcuts to make it run extremely smooth to a lot of games nowadays and you can see the difference in mentality.
as someone who has had to do a group presentation on doom and decided to do their section on the limitations of doom and why they might exist compared to similar games of the time
oh boy is that a rabbit hole and some of the choices they made are very interesting
for example the majority of collisions are calculated using only X and Y values, the only things that take into account the Z height of anything are projectiles (rockets etc)
now if you think about it there's not a whole lot of long-lived projectile spam in doom but there is a lot of mobs that are going to be constantly checking collision and 2D collisions are computationally cheaper than 3D collisions
its not 100% but i'm fairly certain the mostly 2D collisions are entirely because of optimisation reasons
Graphical fidelity is becoming more and more of a crutch, compare how they made the Original Doom and used graphic shortcuts to make it run extremely smooth to a lot of games nowadays and you can see the difference in mentality.
as someone who has had to do a group presentation on doom and decided to do their section on the limitations of doom and why they might exist compared to similar games of the time
oh boy is that a rabbit hole and some of the choices they made are very interesting
for example the majority of collisions are calculated using only X and Y values, the only things that take into account the Z height of anything are projectiles (rockets etc)
now if you think about it there's not a whole lot of long-lived projectile spam in doom but there is a lot of mobs that are going to be constantly checking collision and 2D collisions are computationally cheaper than 3D collisions
its not 100% but i'm fairly certain the mostly 2D collisions are entirely because of optimisation reasons