Here's a copy of my post without the fucking redacted parts:
Some of you may be new, or recently returning to this sub. As such, you may be forgetting exactly how bad Reddit is, but I'm happy to use this mass shooting as a teachable moment. I assure you, over the past several years, we have seen all of these removals personally:
Since the shooter is transgender, comment and post removals will take place on this sub in all of the following situations:
The shooter must not be "traditionally gendered". That is considered an attack on an identity group. If you do not know the gender of the shooter, you may refer to them as 'the shooter', or 'individual' or by their last name.
The shooter is not to be called ugly. That is considered an attack on an identity group. No transgender person is allowed to be called ugly or unattractive on Reddit.
THE SECRET RULE IS NOW IN EFFECT. The shooter is not to be identified as having ANY [mental illness]. [This includes depression, suicidal ideation, gender dysphoria, none of them]. That is considered an attack on an identity group. This includes statements from the shooter themselves. By Reddit's rules, the shooter is wrong to claim that they [are mentally ill], based on their gender identity.
Calling for the death penalty for mass shooters is considered a call to violence. Death penalty advocacy of any kind is considered a call to violence.
Celebrating the death of the mass shooter is considered "grave dancing" which is considered glorification of violence.
Many people misunderstand Rule 1: This rule explicitly allows for identity based attacks on non-vulnerable demographics such as men, heterosexuals, Christians, 'cisgenders', etc. That being said, this subreddit will remove comments that we consider to be identity based attacks on those groups, whether or not Reddit sees those groups as deserving of hate. We consider that a violation of our rules, as we do not believe an entire demographic should be excluded from universal protections because Reddit deems them to be morally inferior.
Sorry, u/AntonioOfVenice , it looks like they really DID remove you for saying that we had to remove comments that said Post-Ellen Paige had depression.
This is the comment they removed for "harassment"
Comment Removed: You are not allowed to allege that any transgender has ever had any mental illness on Reddit.
They don't enforce these "rules" on any other sub.
They must have tranny admins who specifically sit around and pick through KiA2 looking for shit.
They're all over PCM as well. One of the PCM mods gave me a 10 day suspension for an obvious joke, and 12 hours later an admin gave me a sitewide permaban for the same post.
I've had this happen, and I've also had multiple admins repeatedly permaban me for a post. I'd have 2 or 3 messages permabanning me hours apart because other admins saw it and got so triggered they kept shooting the corpse. LOL trannies.
Happy reddit admin day of visibility.
Were you able to get back on? The only way I know of is to wait a few months and let your data drop off whatever logs they keep on your device ID.
I was booted off back in February of 22, and didn't even try to get back on. Then in October of 22 I tried it, expecting to be instantly booted off and to my surprise I wasn't. I tried to keep my nose clean but if you participate in PCM with a right wing flair they're gunning for you. PCM and KIA are pretty much the last right wing subs and they use them for containment, so they can isolate and ban the bad people. Fish in a barrel.
There were a few work related subs that I wish I still had access to, but once I'm on I can't stay away from PCM and KIA, lol.
I use a VPN and just make a new account right away.
Just completely close out your browser & delete all cookies and all of that. Then switch your IP address. Then make a new account and it should be fine.
I've been permabanned from reddit like 30 times over the past few years.