posted ago by FrozeInFear ago by FrozeInFear +25 / -0

We've reached another season of businesses "proudly" "outing" themselves, and I'm hoping to find some alternative places (or brands) to shop from.
I bookmarked a couple of conservative (say, pro-Trump and/or neocon) sites in the past to potentially find places to buy from (1 [archived 2 months ago] and 2), but they are not necessarily kept up-to-date and possibly themselves sketchy sites. And certainly no single congregated list is going to perfectly align with my (or your) personal values. So, if you have a site or other resource you can share somewhat publically, please do so.
Also bookmarked a site supposedly specific to products not made in China (most recently archived last year). Also also, I will mention u/theimpossible1's post here from several days ago for posterity's sake.