Psychopathic bully continues to bully and gaslight the entire population of his state, and beyond...
More at Six. :-/
I'm honestly waiting for someone to jump out from behind one of these fucking trees, and jump the man (AFP, I do not endorse this. I'm just spitballing... shrug).
I'm sure there's a police cordon around the whole park/garden while he is there, but if they snuck in early and hid + waited overnight, perhaps..?
I'm quite certain they would probably be shot during the attempt, but hell, at least it would show that some Australians have a spine, and still care...
Make these bastards scared to show their faces outside, at all times (again, AFP, this is not a tacit endorsement). That is the ONLY way...
AFP is the Feds, guys. Like the Capitol Police combined with the National Guard plus some aspects of the FBI, I suppose...
It doesn't quite translate, but basically, if the door gets busted down, for "incitement", I imagine they will probably be involved... :-S
I cannot imagine the state police here would be competent, or well-resourced enough, to bother. Victoria is a different kettle of fish entirely... :-/ As is NSW and Qld. I've dealt with NSW and Qld riot police. The NSW ones in particular are fucking terrifying... And that was solidly 5+ years ago.
I actually think the main reason is ideological - these guys live in a bubble and then some. When do you think the last time they heard, or allowed themselves to hear, something remotely critical of the vax? They're completely deluded by their own propaganda and are fixated on getting everbody jabbed and are well past needing financial incentives at this point. It's a cult now and you're either with them or against them.
They get money themselves and get to expand their powers. Who wouldn't want to exterminate...I mean, put some black fellas in camps for that?
I mean, besides decent folk.
Psychopathic bully continues to bully and gaslight the entire population of his state, and beyond...
More at Six. :-/
I'm honestly waiting for someone to jump out from behind one of these fucking trees, and jump the man (AFP, I do not endorse this. I'm just spitballing... shrug).
I'm sure there's a police cordon around the whole park/garden while he is there, but if they snuck in early and hid + waited overnight, perhaps..?
I'm quite certain they would probably be shot during the attempt, but hell, at least it would show that some Australians have a spine, and still care...
Make these bastards scared to show their faces outside, at all times (again, AFP, this is not a tacit endorsement). That is the ONLY way...
AFP is the Feds, guys. Like the Capitol Police combined with the National Guard plus some aspects of the FBI, I suppose...
It doesn't quite translate, but basically, if the door gets busted down, for "incitement", I imagine they will probably be involved... :-S
I cannot imagine the state police here would be competent, or well-resourced enough, to bother. Victoria is a different kettle of fish entirely... :-/ As is NSW and Qld. I've dealt with NSW and Qld riot police. The NSW ones in particular are fucking terrifying... And that was solidly 5+ years ago.
Australians: "This spider can kill you with projectile venom from twenty feet away, isn't it adorable, cuddles!"
Also Australians: "A slight cough! Quickly! Kill anyone and everyone, let no death count be too large to stop the mild cough menace!"
These shitbags always have a sign language interpreter standing by lmao
I actually think the main reason is ideological - these guys live in a bubble and then some. When do you think the last time they heard, or allowed themselves to hear, something remotely critical of the vax? They're completely deluded by their own propaganda and are fixated on getting everbody jabbed and are well past needing financial incentives at this point. It's a cult now and you're either with them or against them.
They probably get a bonus from Pfizer for every booster shot they mandate, similar to athletes getting bonuses for hitting different benchmarks.
The reality is that with 80% compliance, they're stocked for 6. #justsayin
Oh what a surprised, politicians lied. They said booster doses would not affect your "full vaccination" status.
Blind Freddy could see this from a mile away.