The funds (from fundus; foundation) of usury represents ignorance towards value/evaluation aka balance/choice. As long as the many consent to suggested value (money); have the parasitic few access to unlimited funding (ignorance by the many).
What's that? I got myself a mimic; let's check this out...
RETARD, verb, "To make slow or slower; obstruct in motion or progress; delay; impede; clog; hinder."
RET'ARD, verb transitive [Latin retardo; re and tardo, to delay, tardus, slow, late.] - "to diminish the velocity of motion". Now ask yourself...can form (life) diminish the velocity of flow (inception towards death) aka slowing flow down; or is it that the struggle to resist flow as form is what grows potential of form to resist flow?
If I throw a ball (velocity causing momentum); then the ball cannot slow down the source of velocity (me); only resist the consequences of velocity upon itself; hence falling down.
Retardation stems from an impedance of flow in the ONE, leading to a loss of reason (true versus false).
IMPE'DE, verb transitive [Latin impedio] - "to stop in progress"...form within the momentum of flow cannot stop the progress of flow; since it represents a reaction to it aka out of flow.
Also; flow represents ongoing loss for the temporary growth of form within; while reason represents a conflict caused by ignorance of flow in exchange for consent to the suggestions of other form. Flow demands adaptation from form (choice of need); other form tempts ignorance thereof (choice of want). The conflict between true vs false (reason) is therefore based upon the ignorance of need; which causes the conflict between wanting vs not wanting the suggestions from others.
Notice how the ONE who acts by free will of choice is not obstructed by the conflict of reason.
ONE (choice) represents a re-action to ALL (balance); while acting implies performing aka originating from (per) form; yet we represent person aka originating per sound (aka flow); which also implies being insane aka in sanus (within sound; hence resonating as choice to balance).
Thanks to pointing this out me.
what's the point
Life isn't outcome oriented (the point); it's balance oriented. Others suggest you to want outcomes; as to deceive you to ignore balancing by choice of reaction aka choice of want (tempting outcomes) over choice of need (struggling to balance).
The funds (from fundus; foundation) of usury represents ignorance towards value/evaluation aka balance/choice. As long as the many consent to suggested value (money); have the parasitic few access to unlimited funding (ignorance by the many).
You already came out of the closet, you retarded schizo idiot, what's the point any more
What's that? I got myself a mimic; let's check this out...
RET'ARD, verb transitive [Latin retardo; re and tardo, to delay, tardus, slow, late.] - "to diminish the velocity of motion". Now ask yourself...can form (life) diminish the velocity of flow (inception towards death) aka slowing flow down; or is it that the struggle to resist flow as form is what grows potential of form to resist flow?
If I throw a ball (velocity causing momentum); then the ball cannot slow down the source of velocity (me); only resist the consequences of velocity upon itself; hence falling down.
IMPE'DE, verb transitive [Latin impedio] - "to stop in progress"...form within the momentum of flow cannot stop the progress of flow; since it represents a reaction to it aka out of flow.
Also; flow represents ongoing loss for the temporary growth of form within; while reason represents a conflict caused by ignorance of flow in exchange for consent to the suggestions of other form. Flow demands adaptation from form (choice of need); other form tempts ignorance thereof (choice of want). The conflict between true vs false (reason) is therefore based upon the ignorance of need; which causes the conflict between wanting vs not wanting the suggestions from others.
ONE (choice) represents a re-action to ALL (balance); while acting implies performing aka originating from (per) form; yet we represent person aka originating per sound (aka flow); which also implies being insane aka in sanus (within sound; hence resonating as choice to balance).
Thanks to pointing this out me.
Life isn't outcome oriented (the point); it's balance oriented. Others suggest you to want outcomes; as to deceive you to ignore balancing by choice of reaction aka choice of want (tempting outcomes) over choice of need (struggling to balance).