Remember when Gamergate began and they called us all Nazi's, Alt-Right, Fascists, Incels, Basement Dwellers, Sexists etc...
Jump forward to 2021 and look how that shit is now just mainstream as fuck.
Anti-Mandate? = "Alt Right"
Anti-Vax? = "Alt Right"
Tradies Protesting Their Union Bosses? = "Alt Right"
Nurses Protesting Mandates? = "Supposed Nurses. Probably Just Alt Right Goons in Disguise."
Kind of amazing in its own disturbed way to see just how mainstream this shit is nowadays. I'm used to being called an "Alt Righter"...I've been one ever since 2014 apparently ;)
But now? Everyone who doesn't conform is of the "Alt Right"
At least it's warm :D
See, I was never a gamer, and I was literally ON THEIR SIDE, once...
But then I disagreed. About something inconsequential. And I “made a girl (my ex) uncomfortable”. Once.
So I became “alt right scum” to them. And they treated me as their enemy. So I became it. Funny that...
Also funny how much “big corporate” plays into that, including here...
Or the “not for profit” sector, in this country, which is somehow even worse...
Amnesty, the Greens, AYCC, Oaktree, Global Citizen, GetUp, even the fucking YHA...
These organizations don’t have shareholders, so they can get away with almost literally anything, with no consequence. That’s the real problem, here, and I’ve come to realise, despite formerly working with those groups, that they’re the real fucking enemy...
NGOs are virtually always marxists. That's why based nations ban them.
NGOs are colonizers, which is why I support decolonization.
Yup. Read their crap about being "colonized by discourses of power" (James Lindsay has a good series on YT) and you will realize, "They are describing what they are doing to you to a T."
Ah, thought you meant SJWs. Well, that still applies to many (most?) NGOs.