If not a shared belief system, what gives these professional representatives the right to speak on behalf of an entire group? Nothing at all. Except that you love it, because it helps you smear the Jooz.
And you get a boner every time you find the opportunity to excuse bad behavior coming from Jews. We can go on all day about black crime rates and you don't mind, but the second anyone starts to outline behavioral patterns in the Jewish population you lose your fucking shit.
When you have already betrayed your own religion, it does not take much to betray your country as well.
If not a shared belief system, what gives these professional representatives the right to speak on behalf of an entire group? Nothing at all. Except that you love it, because it helps you smear the Jooz.
And you get a boner every time you find the opportunity to excuse bad behavior coming from Jews. We can go on all day about black crime rates and you don't mind, but the second anyone starts to outline behavioral patterns in the Jewish population you lose your fucking shit.
I smell a shaboz in the air.