Telegram has a pretty good track record. Like everyone they're under enormous pressure to censor, and still host a lot of content exiled from other mainstream platforms. They're not perfect or absolutist, but removing channels full of calls for violence (if that's true) as a sop to the mob may be a simple matter of survival.
Let's face it, options are limited. If Telegram were created today it would be killed in its cradle. Any new service that doesn't engage in systematic political censorship will be declared a Nazi haven by the media and isolated and possibly stamped out by Big Tech. It's only because Telegram is established and in widespread "normie" use that it can get away with this.
Will Telegram go the way of Twitter et al.? It might. If so, we adapt. Until then, it is a resource.
Telegram has a pretty good track record. Like everyone they're under enormous pressure to censor, and still host a lot of content exiled from other mainstream platforms. They're not perfect or absolutist, but removing channels full of calls for violence (if that's true) as a sop to the mob may be a simple matter of survival.
Let's face it, options are limited. If Telegram were created today it would be killed in its cradle. Any new service that doesn't engage in systematic political censorship will be declared a Nazi haven by the media and isolated and possibly stamped out by Big Tech. It's only because Telegram is established and in widespread "normie" use that it can get away with this.
Will Telegram go the way of Twitter et al.? It might. If so, we adapt. Until then, it is a resource.
If you're not going to defend anyone who isn't a free speech absolutist, you're going to wake up with no one left to defend, very, very soon.
nobody except progs defends cp