I prefer to rewatch older movies like the Indiana Jones Trilogy (if it was made now Indy would be a cuck no doubt), Star Wars OT, The Godfather, Heat etc. not to mention watch shows like The Sopranos and Stargate SG-1 or play games like GTA IV, The Witcher 2 Mass Effect 2 etc.
All the shit from the past 6+ years or so has been far left propaganda and anti white men. I'm sick of smug bitchy "strong" female characters, lgbt+ degeneracy everywhere and way too many black characters.
They have butchered so many iconic franchises its just depressing
Dredd wasn't leftist propaganda, though. But, yeah, they're few and far between.
This board is becoming so paranoid that any kind of criticism against corporatism is somehow misconstrued as communism, which of course means the media in question is unholy and not fit for pious eyes.
I imagine it's only going to get worse.
What board are you reading? Most of us hate corporatism because it's responsible for Woke Capital.
The one where people refuse to watch something, play something, or read something because there might be a left-of-centre theme about something.
Just look at the Cyberpunk thread where the majority of people complain that a Cyberpunk game has themes of anti-corporatism, pro-individuality, and it's referred to as communist propaganda.
You guys are fucking losing it.
Did you read the thread?
Nearly everyone in power/authority (directing you, paying you, ordering you, etc) is a wahmen.
And nearly all of them are wahmen of color or trans or gay. White men dumdum, please trans wahmen of color u can tellz me wat I spose doo???
The few men in power (who are also mostly minorities) get killed quickly due to arrogance/being dum dums (men, amirite???) or are revealed to not be their true own true boss.
White government officials fascist. Black government officials good.